A Look Up: Discipling Students in an Age of Pour-Over Coffee & Smart-Tech

Posted by Cooper Pinson, Harvest USA on Apr 5, 2018 7:35:00 PM

This blog was originally published in the HarvestUSA magazine's 2017 Youth Culture issue . The author, Cooper Pinson, is ... Read More

Want Your Child to Have a Healthy View of Sex? It Starts With You

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Mar 31, 2018 4:30:00 PM

I’m going to put this out there right at the start: our own sexuality impacts our children’s view of sex.

Most of us ‘know’ that God has declared sex as good within the contexts of ... Read More

5 Truths to Apply in Guiding Your Child's View of Sexuality

Posted by Chris Walker on Jan 16, 2018 7:15:44 PM

As a parent of elementary age children, the topic of sexuality feels like the messy basement that is out of control. It’s always there, always on my mind as something I must address, but the ... Read More

A Path Toward Sexual Sanity & Sanctity Out Of a Wasteland of Scandals

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 9, 2018 7:26:00 PM

The news makes me wince daily. I still read the paper and I have come to dread the turning of the second page. Each day it seems there is some new revelation about ... Read More

10 Tips to Guide Your Kids Toward a Healthy & Godly View of Sexuality

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Feb 4, 2017 7:31:06 PM

What do cheerleaders, commercials, and sex trafficking have in common? If you answered the Super Bowl, you are correct. All three will be abundant this weekend.

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