
Veritas orchestra students work together to learn how to play as an ensemble, using technique and skills developed through method books and scale study to actively improve both individually and as a group. Ultimately, their goal is to make music unto God with excellence and joy.

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Orchestra Programs at Veritas

Grammar School Orchestra

Junior Orchestra

Senior Orchestra

Combined Orchestras

Orchestra Events

Veritas orchestra students are members of youth orchestras throughout Lancaster.  Many have participated in the Lancaster-Lebanon Music Educator’s Association (LLMEA) Festivals at both the middle school and high school level, and some students have gone on to make it in to District, Regional, and All-State orchestras through the Pennsylvania Music Educator’s Association (PMEA). 

Additionally, students participate in the Christian School Strings Festival with conductor Jennifer Petry. An excellent Chamber Music camp, run by Mrs. Petry, draws Veritas students as well as gifted musicians from around the county for a week of intense and rewarding training and performance. Throughout the year, guest conductors provide master classes to treat students to deeper instruction and our orchestras participate in adjudications to develop and benchmark students' skills.

Beyond their regular instruction, our orchestras use their gifts to bless the community and their fellow students. Veritas orchestra Students play regularly for the student body and beyond in the following events. We invite you to join us!orchestra | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian School

  • Christmas Concert
  • Spring Concert
  • Performing at Area Nursing Homes
  • Special Veritas occasions
  • Brown Bag lunchtime concerts
  • Veritas Chamber Music Camp
  • Preschool orchestra education events
  • Oratorios

When COVID forced Veritas to cancel our Spring Concert in 2020, our orchestra students continued honing their pieces in their own homes and presented a virtual concert for the enjoyment of the whole online community, learning a whole new way to perform!



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