Want Your Child to Have a Healthy View of Sex? It Starts With You

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Mar 31, 2018 4:30:00 PM

I’m going to put this out there right at the start: our own sexuality impacts our children’s view of sex.

Most of us ‘know’ that God has declared sex as good within the contexts of ... Read More

Why Quality Time With Your Spouse Is a Fruitful Investment For Your Family

Posted by Dr. Susan Mellinger on Apr 19, 2017 7:20:00 PM

You may have heard the expression, "I'm too busy not to pray"? Well, in this crazy bustle of 21st century life, the theme of our marital relationships should be ... Read More

Navigating Romantic Relationships with Teens

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 26, 2015 4:11:20 PM

As children grow older they pass through phases or ways of relating to the ... Read More

Of Men and Men at Princeton

Posted by veritas on Dec 12, 2012 4:44:38 PM

Recently, the Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia was taking questions from a group of students at Princeton. Some of the students had read Scalia's writing (which would typically be a good ... Read More

Love in the Western World

Posted by veritas on Nov 23, 2012 3:09:28 PM

I still hope to read a few more books this summer, but I think I might have found the most impacting: Denis de Roguemont’s Love In the Western World.


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The Speed of Cultural Change

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 1, 2012 11:11:41 AM

You might have missed this because of amount of information whipping by, but California just made it illegal to counsel a homosexual minor in a way that encourages them that they can change. Here ... Read More

St. Wendell?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 4, 2012 8:33:17 PM

I was very distressed by the recent National Review Article in which John J. Miller interviews Wendell Berry. This is not odd (I am often distressed), but it is odd that I am distressed by Berry. ... Read More

What is Classical Christian Education?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 12, 2012 4:18:38 PM

I was thinking about this today as I was driving around (the time between meetings). I think that classical Christian education and the culture that it supports are committed to crossing Kant's ... Read More

Great Article by George Will

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 3, 2012 2:57:15 PM

Read George Will's article today in the paper (link below). It is on the life of his son Jon who has Down Syndrome. Will is a moral unbeliever (last I heard he was a sort of an agnostic--a Cicero ... Read More

More on Berry

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 25, 2012 9:25:45 AM

Here are a few paragraphs of fall out after the Jefferson Lecture last night in DC. Berry (now patted on the back by right and left as a sage and thinker) kept on pointing out that the economy ... Read More