Chris Walker

Chris Walker
Chris teachers Upper School Greek and is the Youth Pastor at Westminster Presbyterian Church. He earned his B.A. in Classical Studies from Hillsdale College (minor in Music) and his M.A. in Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary.

Recent Posts

What Does the Bible Say About Depression?

Posted by Chris Walker on Feb 28, 2019 11:55:00 AM

Just over a decade ago, when I graduated from a small, liberal arts college of 1300 students, depression was a word I had heard of, but rarely encountered. I don’t recall knowing anyone who said ... Read More

5 Truths to Apply in Guiding Your Child's View of Sexuality

Posted by Chris Walker on Jan 16, 2018 7:15:44 PM

As a parent of elementary age children, the topic of sexuality feels like the messy basement that is out of control. It’s always there, always on my mind as something I must address, but the ... Read More

Training Our Boys to be Men (& Our Daughters to Know the Difference)

Posted by Chris Walker on Apr 6, 2017 6:55:00 PM

Chris ... Read More