Cooper Pinson, Harvest USA

Having volunteered, interned, and been on staff, Cooper has served in various capacities in youth ministry and has a passion to help students live with sexual integrity as disciples of Christ. He serves as part of The Student Outreach staff at Harvest USA. Cooper, a Georgia native, graduated from Samford University, Birmingham, AL with a degree in History and a minor in Religion. He also has an MDiv with an emphasis in counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary, Glenside, PA, where he is currently a PhD student in Historical and Theological Studies. He and his wife, Katie, have one, beautiful daughter

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A Look Up: Discipling Students in an Age of Pour-Over Coffee & Smart-Tech

Posted by Cooper Pinson, Harvest USA on Apr 5, 2018 7:35:00 PM

This blog was originally published in the HarvestUSA magazine's 2017 Youth Culture issue . The author, Cooper Pinson, is ... Read More