Amanda Crooks

Recent Posts

Want Your Child to Have a Healthy View of Sex? It Starts With You

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Mar 31, 2018 4:30:00 PM

I’m going to put this out there right at the start: our own sexuality impacts our children’s view of sex.

Most of us ‘know’ that God has declared sex as good within the contexts of ... Read More

No Fear in Failure: Letting Your Kids Fall So They Can Learn to Rise

Posted by Amanda Crooks on May 15, 2017 8:02:10 PM


If you are anything like me, a recovering perfectionist, that word makes you cringe. It can be felt in the pit of your stomach as you look back on all of the times you didn’t ... Read More

10 Tips to Guide Your Kids Toward a Healthy & Godly View of Sexuality

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Feb 4, 2017 7:31:06 PM

What do cheerleaders, commercials, and sex trafficking have in common? If you answered the Super Bowl, you are correct. All three will be abundant this weekend.

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10 Tips for Beating the Christmas Blues

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Dec 13, 2016 10:20:00 AM

Joy.  Wonder.  Merriment.  Hope.

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