Are our kids ready for the world? Four things parents should remember about international test scores

Posted by veritas on Dec 9, 2013 6:10:12 PM

Is American education so awful that our form of civilization is going to cease in the next generation? Every so often we get statistics that point to this dire conclusion. I am NOT going to tell ... Read More

No Soup for You

Posted by veritas on Mar 29, 2013 10:27:32 AM

I have been on a little hiatus because of a beast called Influenza A, the backlog of work caused by the destructive powers of said beast, and a sort of Lenten fast from blogging. I know that it is ... Read More

Where did we find these people?

Posted by veritas on Jan 1, 2013 12:36:55 PM

Whew! The fiscal cliff was averted...well sort of. We actually sort of went over it and sort of did not. When one looks across the landscape of our country searching for hope, you need not look ... Read More

What the Ends Mean

Posted by veritas on Dec 7, 2012 2:36:27 PM

So, if you were wondering about the election and its meaning, a story in the paper might have been a smack in the face. Here comes Obamacare:

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The Road of Serfdom (or Route 283)

Posted by veritas on Nov 28, 2012 8:42:46 AM

Some of you might be keeping track of the economic trouble in Harrisburg, PA. It is something like a Shakespearean tragedy. The city is more than $300 million in debt. Why? Because of an ... Read More

Why study dead old men? Cicero quote

Posted by veritas on Nov 21, 2012 9:08:59 AM

There have been numerous speculations about my absence from the Leaky Bucket. Here are a few answers:

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What Our Faire County is Great!

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 15, 2012 8:17:27 AM

The attached story is a sign (a small "s" sacrament) of what I find in Lancaster County. Lancastrians are helpful. They help each other. They help strangers. They help people all over the world. ... Read More

Judgment Day?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 13, 2012 6:21:00 AM

Public schools here are only going to be able to increase their budget by 2% next year (without applying for special permission from the state). Here is the story:

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To the Mission Field Anyone

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 4, 2012 10:37:01 AM

I am intrigued by the TED talks. Here is one that might be controversial. It advocates an undercutting approach to terrorism (fighting for the hearts and minds of the people who support terrorism ... Read More

The Politics of Offense (and a Classical Education)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Sep 15, 2012 8:05:08 AM

During this last week we all received an impromptu lesson in "the Politics of Offense". Eruptions of this volcano are happening often now, but this last week was a loud one. "The Politics of ... Read More