The Heart of Discipline: Training Up Our Kids Biblically

Posted by Graham Dennis, Dean of Students on Jan 9, 2020 8:00:05 PM

“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” -Hebrews 12:11

... Read More

Fostering Truth, Beauty, & Goodness in Our Little Knights & Princesses

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Sep 25, 2019 7:25:00 PM

Some things never change, no matter how time marches on through the ages.

A hot beverage always tastes just right on a crisp fall morning.

The Lord's faithfulness continues through ... Read More

Everything You Need for Life & Godliness This School Year

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Sep 12, 2019 8:06:26 PM

We have a tradition here at Veritas Academy of starting our school year off on the best path possible: with prayer, praises, and pondering of the Word of God...and bagpipes.

... Read More

5 Ways Parents Can Teach Kids to Pray

Posted by Kylee Bowman on May 2, 2019 8:03:27 PM

“...In 1988, the Congress, by Public Law 100-307, called on the President to issue each year a proclamation designating the first Thursday in May as a “National Day of Prayer.” ... Read More

Our Standard of Comparison: Jesus Is Enough in a Never Enough World

Posted by Stacy York on Sep 13, 2018 12:05:00 PM

Sitting adjacent to me was my dear and beloved friend Amy, the friend that was popular with all our classmates. The one with perfectly placed hair, a charming personality, and the artistic ability ... Read More

5 Ways Parents Can Instill a Love For God's Word in Our Kids

Posted by Carissa Ormerod on Aug 21, 2018 7:24:41 PM

“You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul, and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as ... Read More

Love. Think. Speak. (Cultivating Treasure In Your Child's Heart & Mouth)

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Apr 18, 2018 7:10:01 PM

“Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. “

I came upon these words this past week while reading CS Lewis’ classic story The Magician’s Nephew with my Secondary I class ... Read More

The New Counterculture: 3 Ways to Help Kids Be In The World, Not Of It

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Jan 28, 2018 7:11:27 PM

Sexting. Bullying. Deadly social media games. Addictions.

These are not issues relegated to big cities. To someone else’s neighborhood. Or to the future.

These are things that our ... Read More

A Path Toward Sexual Sanity & Sanctity Out Of a Wasteland of Scandals

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 9, 2018 7:26:00 PM

The news makes me wince daily. I still read the paper and I have come to dread the turning of the second page. Each day it seems there is some new revelation about ... Read More

When My Friends Have Different Standards: 3 Principles Governing Christian Liberty at School

Posted by Ty Fischer on Nov 2, 2017 7:51:15 PM

Every so often, an issue pops up in our school community that causes reflection on the concept of Christian liberty. Different families have different standards when it comes to music, books, ... Read More