The Veritas Academy Booster Club is a unique group supporting the both Athletics and the Arts at Veritas Academy.

This group is not part of Veritas Academy, though it supports programs at Veritas. It is a completely parent run support group. While most school booster clubs are focused on either the arts (like a marching band booster club) or athletics (like a basketball booster club), this group is aimed at supporting both the arts and athletics.

This model fits our life at Veritas Academy. One great blessing of our school is that our children can be involved in both the arts and athletics. They do not need to pick one or the other. This format allows everyone to work together to have the greatest possible impact for blessing and benefit.

2019-20 Veritas Academy Booster Club Ad Campaign



Athletics and Arts Programs at Veritas Academy benefit directly 100%!


Families ask businesses to support our Booster Club with a tax-deductible donation. Businesses receive a program ad as a thank you for their donation.


We need your help NOW! Please read below to find out what to do next! 

To all Veritas Academy Parents and Students,

The Veritas Academy Booster Club’s 4thAnnual Program Ad Campaign has begun! If you attended a sporting event or the play last year, hopefully you saw or received one of our Programs. They looked great! They included some candid and team photos, actor bios and credits, and athletic schedules and information.

Our plan is to again create a Program for Fall Sports, Winter Sports, and the Spring Play for the upcoming school year. The purpose of the Program is to create something as a memory for all the participants, as well as generate significant funds outside the normal operating budget for our extracurricular programs - both athletics and arts!

In our first three years, we were able to generate a gross profit of just over $10,000! These funds were used in the following ways last year:

  • Purchasing new basketball uniforms and ball lockers
  • A sizable donation to offset the costs of the Spring Play in order to keep ticket prices affordable
  • Contributing to school's purchase of the winning 2018-2019 Arts Invitational Piece
  • The official establishment of the Booster Club as a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization.  
    • This means all donations are tax deductible!

This is a simple and short-term fundraiser.  Here’s how you do it:

1.    Consider three to five businesses that you or your family patronize on a regular basis or with whom you have a personal connection.

2. Read the attached Rate and Reservation Sheet with information about the sponsorship/support opportunities (this is designed as a leave-behind as it contains all of the relevant information for supporting businesses). Print out a few to take on the road with you!

3. Approach these businesses and ask if they would support the Veritas students by making a donation to the Booster Club.

4. Ask for their commitment - this is not high pressure, but you will need to ask for a commitment or you will never get one.

5. Inform the business that we need the commitment (second page of the rate sheet) and their advertisement that comes with sponsorship by AUGUST 30.

Please be sure to write in your family name on the line under “for office use only” on the second page of the rate sheet so we know who it came from.

REMEMBER: All donations are tax-deductible!!

We are asking EVERY VERITAS FAMILY to participate...after all, our Athletics and Arts programs benefit everyone in some way!  

We need all committed advertisement by August 30, 2019 so we can have them printed and ready to go by the beginning of the Fall Sports Season. Please help support the Veritas Booster Club by taking this seriously. If everyone does their share, there is no doubt that we will have a very successful fundraising campaign.  There are some FAQ’s below the signature block if you would like additional details. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!


Chris Crooks, Booster Club President and Program Chairman


Frequently Asked Questions: Veritas Academy Booster Club


What is the Veritas Academy Booster Club? 
This Booster Club is a unique parent led, parent run organization the purpose of which is to support both Athletics and the Arts at Veritas Academy. This group is NOT part of Veritas Academy and operates outside the normal arts and athletics budgets.  We believe it to be unique in that we have not found any other group that supports 
both athletics and the arts within one educational institution.

In order to accomplish our mission, funding is very important.  To raise the necessary funds, we have decided to provide advertising space in a Program/Booster Book that will be available for purchase at all arts events and home athletic events. Although the format of each Program may vary slightly for each event, the advertisements will appear consistently in all versions giving our sponsors very good exposure to a broad audience for the entire school year.


How will the Booster Club support the students? 

The Officers of the Club have a lot of ideas on how we could use the funds raised to support our students – from new athletic uniforms, equipment and gear (individual equipment bags, travels sweats, etc.) to underwriting art contests and hosting arts and music festivals – our only limit is our creativity and available funding.


How can you help? 

Our fundraising is targeted solely at businesses that you know and frequent in your locality and is therefore separate and distinct from the other two “major” fundraisers that the school organizes.  We are asking families to approach various businesses in their community to solicit donations to support the Booster Club (coffee shops, restaurants, hair & nail salons, banks, professional services, dog groomers, business to business contacts – be creative!) as a way to show support to the student and the school. As a thank you, we will place their ad in our Program/Booster Book. The people you know personally tend to be the most willing to support you.

Have questions?
Contact Us