15 Ideas for Family Road Trip Listening to Enrich & Entertain: Podcasts, Music, & More!

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Jun 26, 2019 2:12:39 PM

Updated June 2019!
This blog post was originally published in August 2017 and updated with new content in 2019.

Yesterday, on our way home from an epic ... Read More

Veritas Families' Favorite Easter Traditions

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Apr 19, 2019 6:03:00 PM

As we prepare to celebrate the most joyous holiday for believers worldwide - Easter, and the resurrection of Christ - there are many ways that as families, we can honor this celebration with both ... Read More

Putting a Damper on the Ding: Tips for an Unplugged Summer

Posted by Stacy York on Jun 28, 2018 7:30:00 PM

Ding. Buzz. Vibrate. Flash. Click. Tap. Swipe.

There are days the constant noise I hear coming from my phone overwhelms me. There are times late in the day I would prefer not to take one ... Read More

Want Your Child to Have a Healthy View of Sex? It Starts With You

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Mar 31, 2018 4:30:00 PM

I’m going to put this out there right at the start: our own sexuality impacts our children’s view of sex.

Most of us ‘know’ that God has declared sex as good within the contexts of ... Read More

What Chess Can Do For Your Family

Posted by Jonathan Daughtrey on Nov 8, 2017 7:30:00 PM

When we think of volleyball, football, polo, basketball, cricket, or baseball…oftentimes a certain season of the year comes to mind as well as a particular region of the world or type of facility. ... Read More

500 Years Since 95 Theses: Ideas to Celebrate the Reformation With Your Family

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Oct 28, 2017 3:25:00 PM

We're all aware of the festivities surrounding next week's Halloween holiday, but did you know that there's something else noteworthy to celebrate on October 31 that holds great significance for ... Read More

5 Ideas for Fall Family Fun in Lancaster County

Posted by Kathy McClure on Oct 18, 2017 7:49:00 PM

It might be tempting to settle indoors as the weather gets cooler, but you won't regret staying away from those screens and getting out and enjoying Lancaster County this fall! There are SO MANY ... Read More

8 Strategies for Families to Harness the Power of Technology

Posted by George Kong on Oct 16, 2017 7:44:37 PM

As a technologist, I often get questions about family use of the Internet. Here are some ideas about how to protect your family from potential dangers on the Internet, as well as how to use the ... Read More

5 Tips to Help Your Child Conquer Back-to-School Anxiety

Posted by Michelle Suereth on Sep 17, 2017 7:52:00 PM

I was sitting at the pool on a warm summer day, under the shade of a big oak tree when a feeling of dread approached.  I ... Read More

When to Say "Yes" & When to Say "No": Guarding Schedules, Giving Service

Posted by Wes Furlong on Sep 13, 2017 8:05:00 PM

It seems nowadays, when you ask a fellow parent how they are doing, the answer almost always includes "busy." We're stretched thin. Tired. Hectic.

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