Meet the Veritas Class of 2022!

Grove City College

History & Theology

Veritas Academy helped form the man I am today. Between the relationships cultivated by mentors, the bonds grafted with friends, and the love of learning kindled within for the past thirteen years, I am indebted to this school.

There is not a thing I would change about my experience, from the Grammar School feasts consumed, classic books studied, and final exams taken to the sleepless tech weeks of shows, rambunctious orchestra field trips, and endless musical commitments. Though a forty minute drive from my house, 26 Hillcrest Avenue has become a primary place of my maturation.

With all its ups and downs, God has provided his marvelous grace to sustain me on this journey. I will continue this journey in the Fall by studying history and theology at Grove City College. 


Elise Cochran

Covenant College

Art & Business

I have attended Veritas for all of secondary school and have grown in my faith and maturity thanks to the teachers and friends with whom I am surrounded. I occasionally wonder what kind of person I might have turned out to be if my parents didn’t care so much about my education.

I will miss playing volleyball with so many kind and determined teammates, the tech weeks where the director and all the actors slowly go insane, and the art classes where we'd goof off with some painting in between. I will miss the French classes where Mrs. Spatola laughs at all of our jokes, Miss Chodan's love of teaching music, Mr. Stamper's trolling comments, and Mrs. Crooks' patience with our A&P class.

I would like to thank my friends for putting up with me for six years, my family for encouraging me to work hard in all that I do for the glory of God, and all of my past teachers for instilling in me knowledge and wisdom that I will not only carry with me to college, but for the rest of my life. This fall I plan to attend Covenant College in Georgia to study art and business

HaluckGradphotoWebKate Haluck

Liberty University

Applied Mathematics & Statistics

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been at Veritas for three years now. I’ve grown so much during my time here. My critical thinking skills have vastly improved since I arrived here due to the Rhetoric and Statistics courses that I have taken.

Participating in the unique traditions that Veritas has to offer has always been a fun experience for me. Each and every day, it was always refreshing to be around teachers that truly loved the material that they were teaching and students that were dedicated to working hard in the classroom.

I am excited to announce that I will be attending Liberty University to study Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

IMG_5623Sarah Jacob

Grove City College


I have been at Veritas for a very long time. Coming here for 12 years in a row and (almost) everyday for eight hours has made for the making of many good memories. Overall, I am grateful for the education I’ve had here in Veritas because I feel prepared for life outside of it. Thank you to my parents for making me stay and especially my mom who showed me the value of having a classical Christian education. My favorite classes were Mrs. Forbes' 9th grade Omnibus, Apologetics, and every Dawson class. I am also grateful for some of my best friends whom I’ve made here.

20220407-IMGL3264Brayan Martin

University of Alabama

Business Administration

Veritas Academy has been my life nine months of the year for the last thirteen years. It’s crazy to believe that my time at Veritas is finally drawing to an end. This school has guided and influenced me to mature into a young Christian man who can stand up for his beliefs as well as lead others in a godly fashion.

Firstly, I would like to thank all of my teachers along the way who all had a tremendous impact on my growth as a student but more importantly as a Christian. The teachers at Veritas truly had my best interests in mind and were willing to help in whatever they could. They made learning a joyful and pleasant experience, and I am grateful for all of them.

Veritas is such a unique school and has brought so many great memories and moments that I will never forget (and some I wish I could go back and re-live!). A few include the bus rides to NYC and Washington D.C., basketball in the gym at lunch, and conversations with my friends at school. As for the unique side of Veritas Academy, there are so many weird yet fun traditions in which I had the privilege of participating. From racing up the hill in Pokenberry Falls, to dressing up as anyone or anything on Shrove Tuesday, to watching new members of Clairvaux house chant in German and smash an egg on their forehead, Veritas will never cease to, well… I guess, be Veritas!

Athletics have been an important part of my time at Veritas whether that be playing at recess, in the gym or playing at the middle school and varsity level from 6th-12th grade. I will especially miss talking with Mr. Dennis in the hallways about sports in general. This ranges from who we think will win the World Series to how the Patriots only win the super bowl when Alabama doesn’t win the National Championship (therefore, only one of us can be happy).

To my fellow classmates, it has been one awesome ride with all of you. We have made so many fantastic memories, and I will miss all of the laughter and joking, along with the time spent outside of class. It has been a gift to experience these years at Veritas with you which culminate here with graduation, our class of 2022.

Also, I would like to thank my parents for all of the support and encouragement they gave to me these past 13 years. I could not have done it without them. They always encouraged me and challenged me to work hard and work to the glory of God.

Finally, I would like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for all of the blessings he has given to me over the past 18 years. In the fall, I plan to attend the University of Alabama, majoring in Business Administration as a member of the honors college. Roll Tide Roll!

image0Tyler Mitchell


I have been at Veritas since kindergarten, and have enjoyed growing my friendships with my classmates. My life in Veritas was great, our class had a lot of fun in all of our classes. What I enjoyed most about Veritas is being part of a smaller class and getting closer to my classmates. After graduation, I plan to go into the workforce in one of the trades. I have not yet decided on what I would like to do, but I am excited for whatever I choose.

markLuke Moses

Union University

Applied Mathematics

It’s hard to believe that I have been at Veritas for 13 years (minus a one year experiment with homeschooling). The Christ-centered learning at Veritas has helped me grow not only academically, but spiritually as well.

I would like to thank my parents for sending me to a school like Veritas and providing me with support throughout my time here. I would also like to thank all of my teachers that have invested their time and energy into my education. The teachers here at Veritas truly care for you and push you to work to the best of your ability.

Another reason that I enjoyed my time at Veritas is all of the unique experiences that it offers. There are many fun and slightly competitive traditions that keep the school year interesting. Examples are things such as Pokenberry Falls, Shrove Tuesday, the Christmas party, and many more. Some of my favorite memories from my time at Veritas are the secondary field trips, the many labs in chemistry with Mr Lauris, and the few times that we convinced teachers to let us play kickball instead of having class. So whether it was wandering the streets of New York with Mr Dawson, making ice cream in chem, or ruining my uniform by playing kickball, Veritas has given me some very fun memories.

I am planning to attend Union University this fall, majoring in applied mathematics. 

owenOwen Nissley

Grove City College

Computer Engineering

I am finally graduating. Veritas has given me countless memories. Veritas teachers and staff have helped me in the way I think today. I have been able to gain a few close friends and a helpful community. I also enjoyed making ice cream and doing various labs in Chemistry with Mr. Lauris. I want to thank my teachers for pushing my mental limits and shaping my worldview. I will be attending Grove City College next year to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering. I will never forget my time here at Veritas.

image_6483441James Rawlings 

Geneva College

Computer Science

I am thankful for the 10 years I have been at Veritas. It has helped me grow as a person academically and spiritually. I’d like to thank all of the teachers, my classmates, my coaches, and my parents for letting me have an enjoyable experience and helping me mature as a person.

Some of my favorite memories of Veritas were the home room competitions. Pokenberry Falls and Shrove Tuesday were a lot of fun. Also, the Washington D.C and New York trip bus rides were crazy, but fun. 

Next year I will be attending Geneva College and will be majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Cybersecurity. I will miss my time at Veritas, but will be looking forward to my future ahead. 

elianna_photoElianna Ream

Anderson University

Interior Design

In third grade, I moved to Veritas from a public elementary school. I couldn’t wait to learn Latin, write in cursive, and openly talk about the Bible in class. Starting school at a new place was scary as a third grader, but Veritas quickly became home. School became fun and exciting, and at Veritas, I discovered that I actually love learning.

Naturally, not every moment in school has been my favorite, but I definitely have more good memories than bad ones. From 3rd-6th grade, I loved playing lightsabers at recess and learning Bible and History, but I remember so much more from 7th-12th grade. We had many feasts and dinners, lost many Shrove Tuesday competitions to Clairvaux, and went on many eventful field trips. I will always remember the orchestra adjudication tours, where SweetFrog and sushi were the highlights of the day. Also, I never would have dreamed of having the amazing experience of playing in District and Regional Orchestras this year. I will dearly miss all my orchestra and theater friends, and their endless streams of inside musician jokes. It’s been a blast, and I’m so thankful for the huge role they and music have played in my senior year.

I am also very thankful for my class. Because we’ve been a class for so long, we’ve become like a very large, dysfunctional family. A happy one, of course, but still very dysfunctional. They are some of my favorite people and my closest friends. I couldn’t have made it through Veritas without them, and even after ten years together, they still entertain me each day.

Thank you to my family, too, for always supporting and loving me. At the beginning, they sacrificed a lot so I could go to Veritas, and I think that paid off. I am grateful to my teachers, who taught me so much during my time at Veritas. All of it has better prepared me for college and adulthood. Next year, I will be attending Anderson University in South Carolina to study Interior Design, and I plan to play violin in their orchestra.

LilyLily Seifferlein

Concordia University

Honors Program

Less than two years ago, I was touring Veritas Academy, and nervously taking my math placement test. Eighteen months later, my time has come to an end in this beautiful place. Despite my short time at Veritas, I will never forget the experiences and memories within these hallways.

Some days have been filled with theological discussions during lunch, class debates, and thought-provoking assignments. Other days have featured Pi Day festivities and Shrove Tuesday costumes, but every second has been wonderful and meaningful to the person I am today. My experiences at Veritas have taught me to think critically, love wholeheartedly, and serve readily.

Next year I will be studying in the honors program at Concordia University Chicago. Although I am incredibly excited about this new adventure, I will miss my time at Veritas and being known as the resident Lutheran. Finally, I want to thank my parents for their support and help - I couldn't have done it without you!


Kris (Xinjian) Shen



I have been at Veritas since ninth grade. I still remember when I first came here. I was very nervous and my English was so bad that I often couldn’t understand what people were talking about. But gradually, my English has improved a lot. 

I would like to thank my classmates for being so nice to me. I can remember many things they have done for me, such as lending me notes, encouraging me when I gave presentations, calling on me when I didn’t have a chance to participate in Omnibus discussions, etc. I also want to thank all of my teachers for always helping me and making progress on my education. I am also thankful for my host family. They have been taking good care of me. Overall, I’m so glad to know these wonderful people here, and I had a really great time at Veritas.

I am going to study finance in university, not sure which one yet.

cianaCiana Thompson

Mississippi State University

Agriculture & Horticulture

I walked into the sixth grade classroom for the first time being an awkward homeschooler with nerves and excitement. Little did I know that all of these people would quickly become some of my best friends.

The years that followed were filled with drama, stress, caffeine, tears, sometimes funny comments from my class, half doing school work, stocking lockers with food not books, jumping out of windows, sitting in lockers cramming for a test next period, using tissues that felt like sandpaper, laughter, walks to the bakery, dressing up in insane costumes for Shrove Tuesday, kickball, and more stress. I’m thankful for my time at Veritas.  It wasn’t always easy but I was always pushed to do my absolute best.

Thank you to my class for turning everything into a competition, my mom for telling me not to drop out, my nieces and nephews for being the best study buddies, and my siblings for talking me through all of my breakdowns from school. I am excited to announce I will be attending Mississippi State University in the fall majoring in agricultural and horticulture.

janiaJania Weist

Lancaster Bible College

Sport Management

I have learned a lot from my thirteen years at Veritasnot just about academics, but about life. I have learned how to force myself to stay awake, strategically plan out how to best procrastinate, and grow in maturity alongside the same handful of endlessly amusing people I met over a decade ago. Throughout my time in school, I have played two sports and two instruments, become a manager at my job, tutored, danced, and served in student government. That would be why I had to strategize my procrastination! 

Next year, I will be at Lancaster Bible College majoring in Sport Management and playing on their tennis team. I am so thankful for my family, friends, and teachers for helping me succeed. You have all had an impact on my life, and it means a lot to me

Even though I read most of the Omnibus books, I wanted my final remarks to set the record straight and make sure everyone knows that Shmoop is much better than SparknotesThank you for everything, Veritas Academy!

IMG_7373-Paton-sitting-at-bridge-croppedPaton Walters

Bob Jones University


Veritas Academy has been a key part of my life for the past thirteen years. I have attended Veritas since Kindergarten, and I am extremely grateful for all the great experiences that I have had. I am thankful both for the solid education and the unique experiences that Veritas has provided.

I have really appreciated the quality education that Veritas has given me. It has provided a firm basis in my faith, helped me to understand a Christian worldview, and taught me how to present and defend my beliefs. Veritas has also provided a well-rounded education. These are all things that will be valuable to me in my future. I am especially grateful for the teachers who have invested their time in me over the years. They have always been available and willing to help the students, and this has made the education experience easier and more enjoyable.

I also appreciate the unique and fun experiences at Veritas.  I have always enjoyed activities like the History Bee, the Barbarian Invasion, the Narnia Feast, Pokenberry Falls, and Shrove Tuesday; these set apart Veritas from any other school.

I am also thankful for my family who has encouraged me throughout the last thirteen years. I am particularly thankful to my mom for fostering my love for music and to my dad for helping me start Paton's Yard Service. I am grateful for Harvest Bible Church and my friends there for their encouragement as well. Above all, I thank God for redeeming my life and calling me as one of his own.

Next year, I plan to attend Bob Jones University to study humanities.

IMG_1459的副本ShengLiang Yang

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology

Biomedical Engineering

9th grade was my first time here. None of the people around me were familiar faces to me. Only "study" is my friend. I initially thought that this would be my life for the next four years of high school. Fortunately, my host family spoke the same language as me, so I at least had somebody to have a conversation with.

In 10th grade, I switched my host family. I was living with another guy from China named Peter Gao. Although my English often stumbled, I could have a normal conversation at this time. Life in the school still felt lonely. At this point, my new host family wanted me to join the school's basketball team, and I agreed. Although I had begun to start some conversations with my classmates in school, my sense of presence was still not very strong.

In 11th grade, I thought I couldn't go on like this because it wasn't the life I wanted. I started to initiate some conversations instead of passively waiting for the conversations to come to me. I thought things would not go well, but I didn't expect that the people in the school were waiting for me for so long.


Now, in 12th grade, Veritas has become a place I don't want to forget. I am grateful to everyone who made my time here successful, especially my teachers. Their willingness to sacrifice time, kindness, and energy to enhance my life in Veritas has impacted me in ways that will lead to my future success.

As far as the future is concerned, I plan to go directly to college after graduation. I haven't decided which college I am attending yet, but I've always wanted to major in biomedical engineering.

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