Veritas Community Video: When School Becomes An Extension of Home

Posted by Kylee Bowman on May 3, 2018 10:00:00 AM

More than a third of your child's waking hours are spent at school during the school year.

During the week, he is with his teachers and classmates more than he is probably with you.

... Read More

Love. Think. Speak. (Cultivating Treasure In Your Child's Heart & Mouth)

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Apr 18, 2018 7:10:01 PM

“Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. “

I came upon these words this past week while reading CS Lewis’ classic story The Magician’s Nephew with my Secondary I class ... Read More

A Look Up: Discipling Students in an Age of Pour-Over Coffee & Smart-Tech

Posted by Cooper Pinson, Harvest USA on Apr 5, 2018 7:35:00 PM

This blog was originally published in the HarvestUSA magazine's 2017 Youth Culture issue . The author, Cooper Pinson, is ... Read More

Want Your Child to Have a Healthy View of Sex? It Starts With You

Posted by Amanda Crooks on Mar 31, 2018 4:30:00 PM

I’m going to put this out there right at the start: our own sexuality impacts our children’s view of sex.

Most of us ‘know’ that God has declared sex as good within the contexts of ... Read More

3 Reasons Why Children Should Read Classical Literature

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 24, 2018 8:12:58 PM

Dancing hippos. Mischievous farm animals. Wimpy kids and wizardly prodigies.

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The Case for Athletics in Classical Christian Education

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 14, 2018 8:38:40 PM

Last week we celebrated our Winter Sports Banquet, officially wrapping up an exciting school year for Veritas athletics - our girls' basketball team clinched the CCAC conference title last ... Read More

Why Your Child's Learning Should Be Fun...and How to Make It So

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 6, 2018 7:48:48 PM

Is school fun?

No really, do you remember school being fun for you? Did you spring out of bed Monday mornings, excited for all the adventures that awaited in your classrooms and beyond? ... Read More

Billy Graham: A Legacy & Example For This Generation of Students

Posted by Jonathan Daughtrey on Feb 28, 2018 1:44:44 PM

This past week America said goodbye to an era, lost a legend, and gave up a saint.

Billy Graham. The name is filled with meaning for many Americans born before the turn of the century. ... Read More

3 Habits to Embrace That Teach Your Kids How to Think (Not What to Think)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 24, 2018 3:46:34 PM

I have these moments. I used to freeze when they happened. One of my daughters (they are now aged 18, 16, 14, and 11) would say something and I would realize that they think something - something ... Read More

5 Reasons To Get Your Child Involved in Theater

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Feb 8, 2018 7:30:00 PM


It's usually regarded as a bad thing these days. No one wants drama in their lives, right? We try to help our children rise above the pettiness that often confronts them in ... Read More