The Case for Athletics in Classical Christian Education

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Oct 24, 2019 9:25:55 PM

We're coming off an active, athletic week here at Veritas, what with the Great Pumpkin Chase last weekend, the third grade Greek Olympics earlier this week, two cross country runners getting ... Read More

Reflections on Running: A Picture of the Gospel, Grace, & All We Race to Gain

Posted by Karen Daughtrey on Oct 10, 2019 3:33:04 PM

Originally posted in November 2017, updated October 2019.

My time serving as the Veritas Cross Country Coach has given me cause to consider ... Read More

The Case for Athletics in Classical Christian Education

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 14, 2018 8:38:40 PM

Last week we celebrated our Winter Sports Banquet, officially wrapping up an exciting school year for Veritas athletics - our girls' basketball team clinched the CCAC conference title last ... Read More

Reflections on Running: A Picture of the Gospel, Grace, & All We Race to Gain

Posted by Karen Daughtrey on Nov 20, 2017 2:40:22 PM

My first year serving as the Veritas Cross Country Coach has given me cause to consider the many nuanced aspects of the discipline of running. As a runner myself, I’ve personally enjoyed the ... Read More

Veritas Sports Co-op Track Update

Posted by veritas on Apr 25, 2014 8:50:10 AM

Here is an update on our Co-op Track participants on the Warwick Track Team. (You can follow some of our students times in the Top L-L League lists in the Sunday Paper!) Seth Spykstra's mile time ... Read More

Go Dana! Go Monarchs!

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 22, 2012 8:25:51 AM

Big week for our country and big week for Veritas Academy!

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We Are? Part 4

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 23, 2012 10:14:28 AM

I listened to the NCAA ruling this morning. After a few moments, a friend from out West emailed asking my reaction. Here it is:

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We Are?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 13, 2012 9:40:51 AM

Today is a sad day in Central Pennsylvania...a very sad day. Yesterday, the shock waves started to rumble out of State College. The worst fears of many of us seemed to be confirmed (I say seemed ... Read More

Competing Like a Lady

Posted by veritas on Feb 27, 2012 8:13:00 AM

Here are some interesting thoughts on girls and sports by Douglas Wilson. As a dad of a Jr. High Girls Basketball player (for the first time this year). I was so thankful for the assertiveness ... Read More