How New Tax Changes Can Help Parents Invest in a Private School in Pennsylvania

Posted by Mike Stoltzfus & Ty Fischer on Feb 6, 2018 2:55:00 PM

Recently, the federal government passed substantial changes to the US tax code. These changes are beginning to reverberate through society. The impact of some of these changes will not be fully ... Read More

9 Ideas to Keep Your Preschooler From Going Stir-Crazy This Winter

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Feb 1, 2018 7:25:00 PM

The days are dreary and blustery. The snow has either lost its novelty or melted away. The freezing air stings your face when you step outside.

Ahhh yes...winter. As parents, don't you ... Read More

The New Counterculture: 3 Ways to Help Kids Be In The World, Not Of It

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Jan 28, 2018 7:11:27 PM

Sexting. Bullying. Deadly social media games. Addictions.

These are not issues relegated to big cities. To someone else’s neighborhood. Or to the future.

These are things that our ... Read More

5 Truths to Apply in Guiding Your Child's View of Sexuality

Posted by Chris Walker on Jan 16, 2018 7:15:44 PM

As a parent of elementary age children, the topic of sexuality feels like the messy basement that is out of control. It’s always there, always on my mind as something I must address, but the ... Read More

15 Ways to Prepare Your Preschooler for Kindergarten

Posted by Meghan Lake and Jackie Lake on Jan 10, 2018 7:15:00 PM

Whether your little one has yet to start into their first year of preschool, or you're looking ahead to sending them off to kindergarten this fall, there are many simple things you as a parent can ... Read More

A Path Toward Sexual Sanity & Sanctity Out Of a Wasteland of Scandals

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 9, 2018 7:26:00 PM

The news makes me wince daily. I still read the paper and I have come to dread the turning of the second page. Each day it seems there is some new revelation about ... Read More

Chandeliers or Christ: Satisfaction in a Season of Selfishness

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Dec 23, 2017 2:09:06 PM

My daughter turned five earlier this month.

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Christmas Gift Ideas From Veritas Teachers: Science, Art, Sports, & Literature

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Dec 18, 2017 9:24:35 PM

The sequel to last week's post featuring Christmas gift ideas for preschool and elementary-aged kiddos, here is the second installment with suggestions for older kids and special interests, from ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for Preschool & Elementary Kids from Veritas Teachers

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Dec 14, 2017 8:53:30 PM

It's become a yearly Veritas blog tradition that we gather suggestions for Christmas gifts from our faculty to help parents with ideas for educational, developmentally-appropriate gifts that are ... Read More

Worship: The Cure to Selfishness

Posted by Stacy York on Dec 7, 2017 9:25:13 PM

Let me start with this caveat: there really is no way to rid ourselves or our children completely of selfishness in this life.

However, we can begin to put to ... Read More