Veritas Community Video: When School Becomes An Extension of Home

Posted by Kylee Bowman on May 3, 2018 10:00:00 AM

grammar_girlsMore than a third of your child's waking hours are spent at school during the school year.

During the week, he is with his teachers and classmates more than he is probably with you.

She'll come home with ideas you've never planted, desires you've never cultivated, knowledge you haven't imparted, and experiences that you haven't directed.

This thought could be comforting or frightening, depending on the environment in which you are placing your child when you drop them off at the bus stop or school door. For the parent who has faithfully and fully devoted their time and energy to these precious little ones, the sudden realization of the massive amount of time they'll be in someone else's care may be unnerving.

Because whether you like it or not, your home will become an extension of your school. The ways your child is shaped in the classroom, cafeteria, and schoolyard will become evident around your dinner table, in your living room, and in your backyard.

The thing is, that doesn't have to be bad news. In fact, it's often great news. Great news, that is, when you turn the tables knowing that your child is in a school that is an extension of your home.

Your Child's Own Community at School

Every school - public, private, charter - is a type of community, a gathering place where people spend ample common time together for a common purpose. We know that your family probably has several "communities" that you juggle - your church, hobbies, child's sports or arts programs, your neighborhood, and your extended family. Each comes with its own set of expectations, time investments, and joys, depending on how much you are able to pour into it.

Doesn't it make life so much easier when these communities seamlessly flow from one to the other? When you don't feel like pieces of your life are warring with each other for your priorities, but rather complementing one another for a common purpose of building your family and serving God's purpose?

teacher reading story-912458-editedWhat Community Looks Like at Veritas Academy

When you're part of Veritas Academy, that is precisely what we endeavor for your family. You don't just join a school; you become part of a community. And that community is one that continues the thread of all you strive to instill in your children at home through the classroom and beyond. It's a community where God's word is inextricably interwoven through the curriculum, through student relations, and through our activities, so that the school works as an extension of your church too.

Here, the concerns about school experiences undoing the foundation of values you've established can be eased a little. Because our teachers, staff, and administration share those foundational values.

Everyone is excited to be back to school on convocation dayHere, the fellow parents you get to know - the ones whose children fill your child's school day stories - are in the same boat as you. Yes, we have diverse families from all walks of life. This is not a purely homogeneous community. But in that diversity, you will find a beautiful common ground of parents who share a love for the Lord, for His truth, and of course for their children. Parents committed not only to their children's learning, but also their spiritual well-being.

Because of this, you're likely to find some of the strongest, most edifying friendships of your life (just like one Veritas parent wrote about last year when she realized that the parents she met at school would become part of "her tribe"). Being part of this community comes with some fantastic benefits.


We are so excited about our new video that highlights the Veritas community! It encapsulates this part of who we are, and we invite you to check it out and share it with your friends who you think would be blessed by our school community. Together - our teachers, staff, administration, leaders, students, and fellow parents - we aim to cultivate loving, serving, thinking students who are equipped with truth, beauty, and goodness for Christ's calling.

Are you with us? We welcome you! Contact us to schedule your school tour today. 

See what makes Veritas Academy unique and different from other private schools in Pennsylvania. 


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