Leslie Bustard

Leslie Bustard is the Veritas Academy International Student Coordinator as well as High School Humanities/Writing teacher and Theater Producer

Recent Posts

Why We Should Travel to Narnia When We Can't Leave Our Homes

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Apr 2, 2020 9:50:28 PM

(A note of introduction from Veritas)
One of the hardest things about not being in school together during this ... Read More

Love. Think. Speak. (Cultivating Treasure In Your Child's Heart & Mouth)

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Apr 18, 2018 7:10:01 PM

“Narnia, Narnia, Narnia, awake. Love. Think. Speak. “

I came upon these words this past week while reading CS Lewis’ classic story The Magician’s Nephew with my Secondary I class ... Read More

500 Years Since 95 Theses: Ideas to Celebrate the Reformation With Your Family

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Oct 28, 2017 3:25:00 PM

We're all aware of the festivities surrounding next week's Halloween holiday, but did you know that there's something else noteworthy to celebrate on October 31 that holds great significance for ... Read More

William Shakespeare & Collaborative Creativity

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Jan 31, 2017 7:47:17 PM

In the Garden of Eden, God created Adam and Eve, male and female, in His image. He then rooted them in a place and called them to work. Being image bearers of God meant their work would be as ... Read More

How Theater is an Avenue to Advance the Greater Good

Posted by Leslie Bustard on Nov 20, 2016 2:25:00 PM

“How do we advance Good in our local community?”

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