Stacy York

Stacy York is a mom of seven and the Development Assistant at Veritas Academy.

Recent Posts

Our Standard of Comparison: Jesus Is Enough in a Never Enough World

Posted by Stacy York on Sep 13, 2018 12:05:00 PM

Sitting adjacent to me was my dear and beloved friend Amy, the friend that was popular with all our classmates. The one with perfectly placed hair, a charming personality, and the artistic ability ... Read More

Putting a Damper on the Ding: Tips for an Unplugged Summer

Posted by Stacy York on Jun 28, 2018 7:30:00 PM

Ding. Buzz. Vibrate. Flash. Click. Tap. Swipe.

There are days the constant noise I hear coming from my phone overwhelms me. There are times late in the day I would prefer not to take one ... Read More

Worship: The Cure to Selfishness

Posted by Stacy York on Dec 7, 2017 9:25:13 PM

Let me start with this caveat: there really is no way to rid ourselves or our children completely of selfishness in this life.

However, we can begin to put to ... Read More