Ty Fischer

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By Rote, By Heart: The Most Effective Tool for Teaching Young Minds

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 2, 2019 9:25:44 AM

Have you ever witnessed a miracle?

The Bible outlines many miraculous events. Some of them, however, may not make much sense at first glance. Take this one from Mark 8:22-26

... Read More

Science, Cambridge, & A Quest for Antifragile Faith

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 2, 2018 10:29:03 AM

It is easy to experience disequilibrium at Cambridge.

The first event during my recent visit to the University of Cambridge was dinner. When I sat down, I struck up a conversation with the ... Read More

3 Reasons to Rethink American Exceptionalism (& Still Enjoy July 4)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 4, 2018 10:02:00 AM

In our day—and especially on the Fourth of July—you will hear these sorts ... Read More

3 Habits to Embrace That Teach Your Kids How to Think (Not What to Think)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 24, 2018 3:46:34 PM

I have these moments. I used to freeze when they happened. One of my daughters (they are now aged 18, 16, 14, and 11) would say something and I would realize that they think something - something ... Read More

A Path Toward Sexual Sanity & Sanctity Out Of a Wasteland of Scandals

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 9, 2018 7:26:00 PM

The news makes me wince daily. I still read the paper and I have come to dread the turning of the second page. Each day it seems there is some new revelation about ... Read More

When My Friends Have Different Standards: 3 Principles Governing Christian Liberty at School

Posted by Ty Fischer on Nov 2, 2017 7:51:15 PM

Every so often, an issue pops up in our school community that causes reflection on the concept of Christian liberty. Different families have different standards when it comes to music, books, ... Read More

Celebrating Diversity: 3 Ways We Help Boys & Girls Love Being Boys & Girls

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 24, 2017 7:30:00 PM

This is the final post in Ty Fischer's three-part monthly series looking at gender and family roles from a Godly perspective in today's postmodern society. You can view last month's post on ... Read More

5 Ways to Help Your Child Face Tragedy

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 4, 2017 7:55:00 PM

Whether it is a natural disaster or a mass shooting, the news is often filled with terrible, tragic sins and calamities. Death, destruction, and terror rain on ... Read More

3 Reasons Kids Should Learn About Race & History From a Classical Christian School

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 28, 2017 3:27:19 PM

Watching the news over the past two weeks has made my stomach turn.

I grew up in Southern Indiana. One summer I worked picking cantaloupes and watermelons from sun up to sun down. My ... Read More

3 Steps to Reacquire a Taste for Fatherhood

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 13, 2017 7:30:00 PM

From the Disney Channel to Malcolm In the Middle (I date myself!), pop culture refuses to affirm fathers and fatherhood. Far too often, fathers are painted as either weak-kneed clowns or ... Read More