Ty Fischer

Recent Posts

How Classical Christian Graduates Live Out Faith in Christ For Life

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 23, 2020 7:30:00 PM

"It's 'only' practice...and belief."

As a dad, I want my children (four daughters) to love Jesus more than anything ... Read More

A Force for Change: Classical Christian Grads Become Influencers

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 18, 2020 1:55:17 PM

“I really don't like Christian education.”

This line has surprisingly been uttered by a number of people connected with Veritas Academy—donors, supporters, and parents.

Then, they ... Read More

College & Career Preparedness: How Do Classical Alumni Measure Up?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 16, 2020 3:53:50 PM

If you are new to this series of posts, please check out these two posts that explain the Good Soil Report (LINK HERE) and the Read More

Too Good to Be True? Data on Classical Christian School Speaks Volumes

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 12, 2020 8:12:25 PM

Have you ever read a sentence or seen some data and thought that it's too good to be true?

That happened to me recently when I was looking at the Read More

Good Soil: Data Proves That Classical Christian Education Works

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 9, 2020 2:03:57 PM

“Should I open it?”

I was in the room, a conference center near the Phoenix airport when the original data from researchers at Notre Dame arrived during one of our Association of Classical ... Read More

Not Cancelled: Why Classical Education Has To Keep Going At Veritas

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 9, 2020 11:24:03 PM

Today's announcement from the Governor that schools are officially shuttered through the end of the academic year was not exactly unexpected. But it was jarring nonetheless.

The reality of ... Read More

Feeling The Absence of Touch in a Socially Distant Lenten Season

Posted by Ty Fischer on Mar 18, 2020 9:16:22 PM

One of my favorite parts of my job is also one of the most mundane. Once a week, I greet students as they arrive at Veritas Academy (each day, a different school administrator takes on this ... Read More

Now More Than Ever: Setting our Sights For This Coming School Year

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 5, 2019 7:24:00 PM

Sometimes you have to get some distance to see things clearly.

At Veritas, our mission is to cultivate loving, serving, thinking students. A lot of what we do, however, is fairly ... Read More

Grateful for Growth, Focused on the Future: In Response to LNP Feature

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 15, 2019 10:07:00 AM

Last month, LNP published a story on the struggling enrollment at many private schools in Lancaster County. It was a featured story in the April 13 edition, which LNP subscribers can Read More

#MoreThanATest : Raising the Standardized Testing Question

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 24, 2019 7:47:00 PM

Classrooms across Pennsylvania have been a little more silent - and possibly a little more stressed - this week as students pore over the PSSAs.

A stroll through social media, especially ... Read More