Ty Fischer

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A Child's Guide For Praying for Friends in Need (& We're All Children)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 23, 2017 4:33:12 PM

Last week we learned that one of our favorite authors, N. D. Wilson—who visited Veritas Academy earlier this year—has an operable brain tumor. He will have surgery to ... Read More

3 Steps Toward Recovering the Lost Art of Manliness

Posted by Ty Fischer on Mar 7, 2017 7:44:30 PM

As our culture slides down the slippery slope of incoherence, we need to both understand and feel the glory of the things being questioned, lost, and discarded. One of ... Read More

Betsy DeVos and the Locked Door

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 19, 2017 4:42:15 PM

Have you heard the new one? It goes like this:

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7 Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Child's Growth & Maturity: Part 7

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 24, 2017 6:44:35 PM

Mismanaging Sibling Rivalries (and 3 Ways to Deal Wisely With Them)


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7 Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Child's Growth & Maturity: Part 6

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 23, 2017 7:44:44 PM

Exchanging Love for "Love"

If this is the first blog post in this series that are you reading, please consider Read More

7 Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Child's Growth & Maturity: Part 5

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 21, 2017 2:59:54 PM

Playing Favorites (and 5 Steps to Help You Avoid This Mistake)


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7 Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Child's Growth & Maturity: Part 4

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 19, 2017 8:53:14 PM

3 Steps to Avoid Living Through Your Children (or Making Them an Idol)


If this is the first blog post in this ... Read More

5 Reasons You Need to Dance the Night Away With Your Family at the Veritas Colonial Ball

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 18, 2017 8:07:53 PM
Maturus Satis Es Saltare Totam Noctem (You're Old Enough to Dance the Night Away)
- Van Halen had they gone to a Classical School

1. Come Because It's Fun

This ... Read More

7 Surefire Ways to Sabotage Your Child's Growth and Maturity: Part 3

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 15, 2017 7:15:00 PM

Treating Children Like Adults and Teens Like Children


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7 Surefire Ways to Sabatoge Your Child's Growth & Maturity: Part 2

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jan 12, 2017 7:51:19 PM

Keeping Children from the Consequences of their Actions

Now, before you begin this blog post, it would behoove you to go back and read the caveats attached to ... Read More