Why Quality Time With Your Spouse Is a Fruitful Investment For Your Family

Posted by Dr. Susan Mellinger on Apr 19, 2017 7:20:00 PM

You may have heard the expression, "I'm too busy not to pray"? Well, in this crazy bustle of 21st century life, the theme of our marital relationships should be similar: "I'm too busy NOT to spend time with my spouse!"


The Bible says, "a cord of three strands is not quickly broken" (Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV). This means that ideally, our marriages should be strengthened by a common reliance on and turning to God for guidance and perspective. The marital relationship is best served when both husband and wife are using the same blueprint for marital success: the Holy Scriptures. To keep our "eyes upon Jesus," we must hold each other accountable to this high calling, and how can we do this if we don't spend dedicated time together?


Many of you may be like my husband and I, asking yourselves "how can we do this when there are so many demands on our time?". The answer is not "consider doing it," but rather, "you must!" The relationship you have with your spouse is the most important relationship in your immediate family. It is designed by God to mirror the Biblical model for Christ's relationship to his disciples, the Church.


married couple walking hand in hand.jpgPractically speaking, there are options for those of us strapped for time. Do you have a dog? A 30-minute walk after work with your spouse and dog is a wonderful way to connect. Do you have young children? Then take them along in the stroller. Plan a 30-minute wind-down time from 9:30-10:00pm, after young ones are tucked in, to read a devotion, pray, and talk together. Alternatively, get up 30 minutes earlier to do the same thing in the morning before everyone else is awake. Lately, some of our best conversations have been at 5:00am when the house is quiet and there are no interruptions (Make sure you get your 7 hours of sleep though!).


Mundane chores take on new meaning when using them for together time. Imagine how much fun doing dishes can be when you are doing them with your spouse?! Of course, we should also occasionally plan a more formal outing together, a special evening set apart from others. It does not have to involve great expense: take a hike on a trail, bike, go to a museum, plan a picnic in a park, or a traditional dinner out. The important thing is spending time together, both in terms of quality and quantity.


Scripture encourages us to maintain our marital relationship as a priority, and both we and our children greatly benefit when we are successful at this. If you are struggling to do so, I gently nudge you to have a conversation with your spouse tonight about making small changes to redirect your priorities and reconnect. Our families depend on it!


Veritas parents: Did you know that we have a special date night event planned just for you coming up next week? It's a fantastic opportunity to invest in your relationship, make some great memories, revitalize your hearts, and connect with other Veritas parents. RSVP by this Friday for our Downtown Destination Conversations event and concert at the Trust Performing Arts Center on Sunday night, April 30. Meet for a private hors d'oeuvres reception at 6:30 pm, then enjoy a thrilling synphonic concert led by renowned violinist and Philadelphia Concertmaster David Kim in the Trust's stunning, historic concert hall beginning at 7:30 pm. Then, end your night with a dessert reception with the artists. Take this simple step toward quality time with your spouse, and your whole family will reap the benefits!

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Topics: Marriage