St. Wendell?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 4, 2012 8:33:17 PM

I was very distressed by the recent National Review Article in which John J. Miller interviews Wendell Berry. This is not odd (I am often distressed), but it is odd that I am distressed by Berry. ... Read More

St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 14, 2012 9:22:26 AM

Here is a little poetry on Monday morning from Mr. Berry.

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St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 26, 2012 2:12:53 PM

Here is what Wendell Berry did before he delivered the Jefferson Lecture. Some of this is odd, but if you a fan of Berry's you will no doubt enjoy it:

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St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 26, 2012 1:38:22 PM

The stories and lauds are pouring out concerning Berry. I am going to post a few. I read his Jefferson Lecture last night. It is classic Berry. The fact that they did not know what he is going to ... Read More

More on Berry

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 25, 2012 9:25:45 AM

Here are a few paragraphs of fall out after the Jefferson Lecture last night in DC. Berry (now patted on the back by right and left as a sage and thinker) kept on pointing out that the economy ... Read More

Book Review: The Omnivore’s Dilemma

Posted by veritas on Dec 7, 2010 2:53:32 PM

Book Review: The Omnivore’s Dilemma

I just finished Michael Pollan’s fine book on what he calls “the natural history of four meals.” It is immensely ... Read More