Kathy McClure

Kathy is a wife to Steve, and a mom of three young children. She has been challenged as a young mom to consider biblical motherhood, and her passion is to share the joys of motherhood with moms and to help them be intentional and purposeful in their parenting. In her spare time she likes to write about ways to save money and do fun things in Lancaster County, on her blog, Frugal Lancaster.

Recent Posts

5 Ideas for Fall Family Fun in Lancaster County

Posted by Kathy McClure on Oct 18, 2017 7:49:00 PM

It might be tempting to settle indoors as the weather gets cooler, but you won't regret staying away from those screens and getting out and enjoying Lancaster County this fall! There are SO MANY ... Read More

5 Ways to Have One-On-One Time With Your Children

Posted by Kathy McClure on Apr 8, 2017 3:38:00 PM

It is so important to spend one-on-one time with our children. Even ten minutes of quality time spent one-on-one is valuable.

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7 Ideas for Helping Instill Good Manners In Our Kids

Posted by Kathy McClure on Feb 9, 2017 6:15:01 PM

In anticipation of our upcoming "Whatever Happened to Manners" event at the end of ... Read More

7 Steps to Building a Strong Family Foundation

Posted by Kathy McClure on Dec 16, 2016 4:45:00 PM

Our days as moms and dads are long and tiring. As parents, there are always new situations we need to address, more needs to be met and new things to learn. ... Read More