No Soup for You

Posted by veritas on Mar 29, 2013 10:27:32 AM

I have been on a little hiatus because of a beast called Influenza A, the backlog of work caused by the destructive powers of said beast, and a sort of Lenten fast from blogging. I know that it is ... Read More

The Hobbit

Posted by veritas on Jan 9, 2013 7:14:04 PM

I wanted to give a little bit of a critique on the Hobbit movie. I revere Tolkien and love his writing. I think that it was historically important because his work and Lewis' work reignited the ... Read More

One more idea that I have trouble with

Posted by veritas on Dec 31, 2012 3:58:31 PM

Feeling a lot like a curmudgeon as the year winds down. Here is one more idea I have a problem with: public school's with development departments! Here is the story:

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Finishing the Year with some of the Worst Ideas

Posted by veritas on Dec 28, 2012 9:48:19 AM

As I scanned the paper today it seems that we are finishing off the year with a bang culturally. I always forget that this is the time of the year when nefarious and terrible ideas come out to ... Read More

Of Men and Men at Princeton

Posted by veritas on Dec 12, 2012 4:44:38 PM

Recently, the Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia was taking questions from a group of students at Princeton. Some of the students had read Scalia's writing (which would typically be a good ... Read More

Left Behind (The Child's Version)

Posted by veritas on Dec 11, 2012 9:46:05 AM

Today, the state of Pennsylvania schools are applying for relief from the No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Here is the article:

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The Road of Serfdom (or Route 283)

Posted by veritas on Nov 28, 2012 8:42:46 AM

Some of you might be keeping track of the economic trouble in Harrisburg, PA. It is something like a Shakespearean tragedy. The city is more than $300 million in debt. Why? Because of an ... Read More

Five Temptations for Classical Christian Education; Part 3

Posted by veritas on Nov 24, 2012 7:42:35 AM

In Brian Douglas' fine article in First Thing on temptations facing classical Christian education, he outlines dangers facing schools like Veritas. The first one (see part 2) is on adopting ... Read More

The Fabulous World of Tomorrow and Its Schools

Posted by veritas on Nov 22, 2012 6:02:38 AM

Yesterday's paper had one of those stories that should make us smile (were it not so sad). The story outlines the future of Lancaster County. Guess what: it could be very rosy. Guess what it will ... Read More

Cyborg Schools

Posted by veritas on Nov 22, 2012 5:49:57 AM

No wait I misread all the stories. I mean Cyber school. Recently, the Lancaster papers ran a number of stories on the Cyber schooling movement. Not all of them were negative, but I would say that ... Read More