How do you solve the biggest problem in education?

Posted by veritas on Sep 14, 2015 9:25:48 AM

Education in our country is in a mess! I say this as one that calls myself ... Read More

The Education Quandary: Free College Courses Online

Posted by veritas on Mar 30, 2013 10:02:15 AM

There is an interesting train wreck happening at the confluence of the streets called education, finances, and technology. Here is a sketch of what I am seeing. First, education costs too much. ... Read More

The Fabulous World of Tomorrow and Its Schools

Posted by veritas on Nov 22, 2012 6:02:38 AM

Yesterday's paper had one of those stories that should make us smile (were it not so sad). The story outlines the future of Lancaster County. Guess what: it could be very rosy. Guess what it will ... Read More

Best Educational Idea (Part 2)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 20, 2012 11:05:30 AM

This Saturday's Lancaster Intelligencer again delved into the new Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit. Again, the paper sort of panned it (bad idea, ill conceived):

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Best Educational Idea

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 13, 2012 10:26:06 AM

I was away last week, but I returned to find this story on my desk:

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Worst Educational Idea?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 13, 2012 10:01:19 AM

The cover article of the Parade Magazine caught my attention yesterday. This does not usually happen. I am not a big Parade reader, but the story was about rebuilding our schools. Here is the ... Read More

Who is Paying What

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:14:42 AM

This is a really interesting article concerning tax paying put out by National Public Radio. This is a lot of fairness arguing going on right now, and it runs something like this: "The rich do not ... Read More

The Reality Check

Posted by veritas on Jan 28, 2011 8:50:27 AM

Tueday's paper opened with this story:

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Posted by veritas on Jan 20, 2011 2:41:39 PM

This morning’s paper first article was on Senate Bill #1 being considered now in Harrisburg. It would give low income families in failing districts (initially) and in all districts (soon after) a ... Read More

Reality Checking In

Posted by veritas on Jan 19, 2011 10:47:22 AM

Last night, the Manheim Township School Board had a meeting in which they started to discuss the 3.5 to 4.5 million dollar shortfall in the budget this year. Things are getting tense. As I read ... Read More