The Hobbit

Posted by veritas on Jan 9, 2013 7:14:04 PM

I wanted to give a little bit of a critique on the Hobbit movie. I revere Tolkien and love his writing. I think that it was historically important because his work and Lewis' work reignited the ... Read More

The Dark Knight and Rene Girard

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 27, 2012 8:44:23 AM

I am a big fan of Rene Girard (The Scapegoat, I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning, Deceit Desire and the Novel, etc.,). I have not been a fan of the recent Batman films, but this take on ... Read More

Protestantism and the Arts

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 24, 2012 9:48:34 AM

Here is an excellent post by Douglas Wilson on Protestantism's liberation of the arts. I think that he is right, but I might want more to be said. Recent Protestant forays into the arts been worse ... Read More

Feeling Hungry?

Posted by veritas on Mar 27, 2012 6:24:03 PM

The premiere of the Hunger Games was several nights ago. It probably made a bazillion dollars. I read the book and thought it was interesting. Here is Doug Wilson’s Read More

True Grit

Posted by veritas on Jun 15, 2011 9:34:15 AM

I mainly write about books, but I want to recommend a movie to you today—the Coen Brother’s True Grit. I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I remember watching John Wayne’s ... Read More

Avatar, Christian Failures, and the Infantile Modern Left

Posted by veritas on Jul 7, 2010 9:30:05 AM

Emily and I watched Avatar last night. We both enjoyed it. This morning, however, my dissection of the movie began and my disappointment is increasing. Most—at least if I take into account ... Read More