Books on iPads?

Posted by veritas on Oct 7, 2013 1:38:30 PM

Recently, I received this question from another school:

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St. Francis (Turretin)

Posted by veritas on Apr 21, 2013 9:47:03 AM

Today in Turretin's Institutes I read over a discussion of how reason is to be used in making judgment about theology. The historical example that was at the forefront of the discussion was the ... Read More

St. Francis (Turretin): Faith and Reason

Posted by veritas on Apr 15, 2013 6:34:35 PM

Here is a beautiful description of the relationship between faith and reason in the life of a believer from Turretin

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St. Francis (Turretin): How do faith and reason fit together?

Posted by veritas on Apr 13, 2013 11:24:54 AM

Had a wonderful time reading about faith and reason this morning in Turretin (1.1.8). He carefully thinks through how reason is useful in the field of theology. He makes a very careful distinction ... Read More

St. Francis (Turretin): Is theology practical or theoretical?

Posted by veritas on Apr 13, 2013 10:28:29 AM

As I wade into Turretin, I am impressed by two things. I always thought that Turretin was in the main systematizing the Reformed Faith (and he certainly is!). I am surprised, however, that the ... Read More

Practical v. Classical Education

Posted by veritas on Apr 6, 2013 12:28:35 PM

Recently, this article was recommended to me. It deals with a question that I hear from parents often: "Why do you all of this stuff with students?" The stuff is all of the classical content in a ... Read More

Medieval or Classical?

Posted by veritas on Apr 6, 2013 10:15:42 AM

Recently, I received a question from Sarah Bryan, a college student at Grove City who did an internship for Veritas last year asking:

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Drugs and Despair

Posted by veritas on Apr 3, 2013 5:27:57 PM

I recently ran into two items concerning drug use. (As an aside, I am a conservative with fairly libertarian tendencies concerning things like drug laws. This means that I worry that our societal ... Read More

Kindergarten and Attendance Law

Posted by veritas on Apr 1, 2013 5:54:49 PM

I caught this article a few weeks back and wanted to pass it along:

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The Education Quandary: Free College Courses Online

Posted by veritas on Mar 30, 2013 10:02:15 AM

There is an interesting train wreck happening at the confluence of the streets called education, finances, and technology. Here is a sketch of what I am seeing. First, education costs too much. ... Read More