ceremony | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian School

We believe that acquired knowledge ought to be expressed in physical form. We take every opportunity to put our knowledge into action by promoting community through rich and meaningful experiences...and sometimes through downright funny and quirky experiences, too.

One of our core values is that Veritas is "Tradition Affirming;" as such, we embrace traditions that have blossomed here over the years.. Preparation for these key traditions requires self-discipline, respect for others, and pursuit for accomplishment and mastery. These traditions provide exposure to great material which stretches the imagination and fosters development of ideas, character, and values.

Some hallmark traditions at Veritas include the following (click on each tradition to learn more):

memory-periodAll grammar school students begin each morning with a time of reciting chants and singing memory songs that reinforce geography, math, Bible, grammar, history, and Latin! This time concludes with our school prayer, a traditional hymn, and a charge to students as they start their day to the glory of God.

pokenberry falls 2017

Former Veritas teacher and friend of our school Tom Becker brought the quirky Pokenberry Falls race to our school as a fun house activity years ago. Eventually, it became a yearly tradition to run the "Falls," which basically involves a giant sort of leapfrog race up the hill in the back of our school (you kind of have to see it to get it!). The story goes that the first year we made the game official, the winning House was presented with a gourd. Unfortunately, the student dropped the gourd and it broke...so ever since then, the race has ended with a Gourd Smashing Ceremony. The winning house gets to take the gourd trophy for the year...which is actually the original gourd, cleaned out and painted silver so it can remain forever!

Twice each year, Veritas students take the stage in our beautiful courtyard to showcase their talents. Our whole school takes lunch  out to the courtyard (brown bags not required!) and gathers to watch a variety of performances which include songs, dance, poems, and more.

brown bag

In the spirit of the great European tradition, also referred to as Pancake Tuesday, Fat Tuesday, or Fausnaught Day, our annual “pancake race” reminds us of the coming of the Lenten season...but with quite a fun twist!

SBP_3378-1Secondary houses plan a theme and presentation or skit for the costume competition for weeks, and each year seems to grow more epic than the previous. After the presentations, students head outside and line up by house to compete in a fun race of flipping pancakes in pans while charging across our soccer field.

Find out more about this favorite memorable tradition by reading this blog post.

A hallmark of Classical Christian education includes the immersion of students into the time period or literature pieces that they study. Culture, theology, arts, literature, and more come to life through various class feasts held throughout the year. From grammar school through high school, students have the chance to step into another time and place and enjoy feasting together in celebration of what they're learning.


Yes, lots of schools have spelling bees (we do, too), but how many have a History Bee? Our grammar school’s greatest "historians" take the stage each year in the spring to showcase their knowledge. The audience stands in amazement as students answer question after question about significant dates, ancient royalty, US presidents, and more.

Each secondary school House (click here for more information on our unique House program) comes with its own set of traditions. From silly activities to special meals and more, students and teachers have found ways over the years to bond together and even honor their House namesakes.

It's a favorite Grammar School event that includes a fall fest and a one-mile cross country run, where students try to beat "The Pumpkin" (ie, a school administrator dressed in an awesome pumpkin costume)! Secondary Student Government takes charge of food and games, and it's a school community-wide celebration! More information is found here.

Yes, we do host some other "dances," but this one is extra special. With a Colonial dance caller, live (historically accurate band) and era-appropriate food, students and administrators are encouraged to come dressed in Colonial best. It's a splendid and elegant occasion, where the community gets to step back in time, learn some new (or, old) dance moves, and make beautiful memories for a lifetime.

colonial ball 2016

Every other year, Veritas invites the whole community to celebrate a Christmas Madrigal Feast, a rich and grand affair complete with a royal court, a masque (that is, a short comedic and interactive play) and a hearty meal. Parents and students from 6th grade up join together as actors, servers, and more to pull together this glorious event!

Madrigals musician

We take time each year to honor through a special, formal ceremony those who have so greatly sacrificed for our country. We give thanks as a community for the men and women who have served and use this day to inform our students of the all that has gone into making our freedom possible as well as how to show honor and respect for our servicemen and women.

Our seniors showcase their education at the end of their senior year by preparing and presenting their capstone thesis project. Seniors take the stage to defend their theses in front of a selected panel of experts and an audience of friends, family, classmates, and teachers. Preparation for senior thesis is a yearlong process guided by a faculty advisor. It is a required class in which seniors must demonstrate mastery of the core disciplines they are learned at Veritas. All secondary students and their families are encouraged to come and support the seniors (and also learn a bit themselves) for this momentous occasion.

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