Choir Philosophy

We recognize that music is essential to a classical Christian education. It is an act of worship. In performing various individual and group repertoire with technical skill and with accurate, period-relevant, stylistic interpretation, they will learn to lead and engage listeners through their attitude toward the preparation, technique, and presentation of their work. Our choirs provide experience which stretches the imagination, touches the soul, and fosters development of ideas, character, and values. student choir group | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian School

Student Choir Groups

Bel Canto Choir- First and Second Grades

Laudate Choir- Third and Fourth Grades

Jubilate Choir- Fifth and Sixth Grades

Camerata Choir- Seventh and Eighth Grade Choirs

Cantus Choir- Ninth through Twelfth Grade Choirs

Choir Events

Our concert schedule always includes a Christmas celebration in December as well as a spring program in May. However, no two years are ever the same as competitions, school events, and other singing opportunities are incorporated into our curriculum depending on student goals and specific school-wide activities. Events can include:choir | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian School

  • Christmas Concert
  • Spring Concert
  • Singing at Area Nursing Homes
  • Special Veritas Occasions
  • Guest performers


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