The Education Equivocation

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 1, 2012 12:18:49 PM

An equivocation is when a term is being used differently by two people (or even by one person). This leads, often, to misunderstanding or bad arguments and decisions. Equivocations can be helpful ... Read More

Where is that Dutch Boy?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 30, 2012 10:07:42 AM

The signs of systemic collapse in education are becoming more numerous. Here is the big news at present:

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Tolkien and Technology

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 30, 2012 9:49:15 AM

Here is a really interesting article by Alan Jacobs on J.R.R. Tolkien's view of the modern world, power, domination, and technology. The Christian reaction to technology is usually one of ... Read More

John Raphael Speech

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 28, 2012 3:08:31 PM

A classical education focus on the skill of rhetoric. Why? Because ideas are powerful and they are communicated from one mind to another by words. Good words draw people together and adorn the ... Read More

The Dark Knight and Rene Girard

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 27, 2012 8:44:23 AM

I am a big fan of Rene Girard (The Scapegoat, I Saw Satan Fall Like Lightning, Deceit Desire and the Novel, etc.,). I have not been a fan of the recent Batman films, but this take on ... Read More

We Are? Part 4

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 23, 2012 10:14:28 AM

I listened to the NCAA ruling this morning. After a few moments, a friend from out West emailed asking my reaction. Here it is:

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We Are? Part 3

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 14, 2012 9:19:47 AM

Michael Geer's piece which was the focus of "We Are?" Part 2 has been bouncing around my mind. The cultural ... Read More

We Are?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 13, 2012 9:40:51 AM

Today is a sad day in Central Pennsylvania...a very sad day. Yesterday, the shock waves started to rumble out of State College. The worst fears of many of us seemed to be confirmed (I say seemed ... Read More

What is Classical Christian Education?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 12, 2012 4:18:38 PM

I was thinking about this today as I was driving around (the time between meetings). I think that classical Christian education and the culture that it supports are committed to crossing Kant's ... Read More

Henry V Goes to Veritas

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 11, 2012 2:26:31 PM

A few days ago the editorial writer David Brooks wrote an interesting column on how our schools discourage the masculine virtues. Here is the article:

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