Worst Educational Idea?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 13, 2012 10:01:19 AM

The cover article of the Parade Magazine caught my attention yesterday. This does not usually happen. I am not a big Parade reader, but the story was about rebuilding our schools. Here is the ... Read More

Education Equivocation Part 2

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 3, 2012 1:49:14 PM

This is an ongoing education discussion on an online group. The question that I am trying to answer is what caused the problems in education today the schools or the culture? This website is also ... Read More

The Education Equivocation

Posted by Ty Fischer on Aug 1, 2012 12:18:49 PM

An equivocation is when a term is being used differently by two people (or even by one person). This leads, often, to misunderstanding or bad arguments and decisions. Equivocations can be helpful ... Read More

Where is that Dutch Boy?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 30, 2012 10:07:42 AM

The signs of systemic collapse in education are becoming more numerous. Here is the big news at present:

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John Raphael Speech

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 28, 2012 3:08:31 PM

A classical education focus on the skill of rhetoric. Why? Because ideas are powerful and they are communicated from one mind to another by words. Good words draw people together and adorn the ... Read More

We Are? Part 3

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 14, 2012 9:19:47 AM

Michael Geer's piece which was the focus of "We Are?" Part 2 has been bouncing around my mind. The cultural ... Read More

The Rage of Achilles

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 20, 2012 7:55:42 PM

Reading the paper today was such a joy. I had to share it with the broader world. Recently, JPMorganChase (note the German smashing of words together whenever one thing swallows another), one of ... Read More

St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 14, 2012 9:22:26 AM

Here is a little poetry on Monday morning from Mr. Berry.

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St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 7, 2012 7:58:12 AM

Here is a bit of poetry from Berry on patriotism. It is exactly what true patriots should be doing in our day--holding our leaders accountable:

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St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 5, 2012 10:27:42 AM

Here is some thoughtful criticism on Berry's Jefferson Lecture. I think that there was some misreading of the lecture on the left thinking that Berry was proposing government as the answer. ... Read More