Christmas Gifts for Fourth Graders from Kathy Arrick

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 10, 2015 6:47:18 AM


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Christmas Gifts for Third Graders Who Love Greece and Rome from Katie Walker

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 10, 2015 3:35:27 AM

Students who are more artsy love Greek and Roman coloring and activity books. There ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for Second Graders from Deb Chapin

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 9, 2015 3:38:20 AM

As Christmas nears parents might want to look at some of these ideas for second ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for First Graders from Sharon Strawbridge

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 8, 2015 6:10:06 AM

As you are searching for gift ideas for First Graders. Here are some that are ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for Kindergarteners from Jackie Lake

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 7, 2015 3:25:46 AM

We are featuring Christmas gift lists from our teachers at Veritas. We know that it is ... Read More

To Share or Not to Share: How Much Should You Tell Children about the Terrorist Attacks?

Posted by Ty Fischer on Nov 20, 2015 7:12:06 AM

The events of this last weekend in Paris have again brought the darkness of the ... Read More

Protecting Your Child in a Post Gender World

Posted by Ty Fischer on Nov 9, 2015 4:01:45 AM

I guess I should be shocked, but I have to admit that the moral revolution ... Read More

Three Keys for Parenting Awkward Teens

Posted by Ty Fischer on Nov 2, 2015 5:37:00 AM

Teenagers can be awkward. Teenage boys almost always are ... Read More

Faith that Works (Helping your Child and Teen Grow in their Commitment to Christ)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 29, 2015 5:35:49 AM

Raising children takes faith! It is also hard work!

... Read More

Navigating Romantic Relationships with Teens

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 26, 2015 4:11:20 PM

As children grow older they pass through phases or ways of relating to the ... Read More