Five Ways to Help Your Child Thrive During an "R-Rated" Election

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 6, 2016 9:32:02 PM

As a parent, this election season has been challenging. Politicians often disappoint and political campaigns invented the phrase “mud slinging,” but this year’s ... Read More

Who Is Your Teen's Parent Really?

Posted by Wes Furlong on Jul 30, 2016 8:00:00 AM

You or her friends?

It’s an easy trap to fall into. Your teen wants more independence and, for the most part, you want to give it. You don’t want to be the controlling parent ... Read More

Three Ways to Encourage Modesty and Protect Dignity (without being a Prude)

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 23, 2016 3:58:32 AM

I love school uniforms. They mask socio-economic differences allowing ... Read More

Three Strategies For Getting Your Child to Read their Bible

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 18, 2016 10:47:45 AM

If you are a Christian parent, you (like me) really long for your child to love God's Word. Sometimes it seems like so many things crowd in for your child's attention that finding time to read and ... Read More

3 Ways to Discourage Cliques

Posted by Ty Fischer on Feb 16, 2016 4:16:33 AM

Have you ever had a time when your daughter comes home to tell you that the girls at your church or in her class—who were until that very day her friends—have become the meanest, cruelest, ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Thoughtful Artist from Ned Bustard

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 18, 2015 4:38:38 AM

Ned Bustard is Veritas Academy's graphic designer and Yearbook teacher. These books come highly recommended for the budding young artist.

I know it is a bit self-serving, but some of my ... Read More

Christmas List Suggestion for Students Who Love to Play with Words/Who Love Strategizing

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 17, 2015 9:46:50 AM

I figured since I teach literature, math and grammar for multiple ages this would be a list that could apply to any ages between 4th and 12th grade, and would be great fun for the entire family. ... Read More

Gift Suggestions for the Mathematical Family by Dale Siegenthaler

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 17, 2015 7:18:48 AM

Give the gift of a mathematical family day trip for Christmas. Mr. Siegenthaler or Mrs. Forbes may even be willing to go along as a tour guide. Here are two outstanding possibilities:

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Christmas Gift Ideas for Artists of All Ages from Sonya Long

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 17, 2015 4:16:08 AM

When I was younger any one of these gifts would have made my heart melt, and even now some of them would! It can be hard to know what inspires young children and will keep them engaged, but I am ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for Children who love Science from Susan Mellinger

Posted by Ty Fischer on Dec 15, 2015 8:04:23 AM

Do you have a science lover in your family? If so, Susan Mellinger, our secondary science teacher offers some fantastic suggestions.

Gift ideas for your student who loves science:

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