
Posted by veritas on Jan 20, 2011 2:41:39 PM

This morning’s paper first article was on Senate Bill #1 being considered now in Harrisburg. It would give low income families in failing districts (initially) and in all districts (soon after) a ... Read More

Reality Checking In

Posted by veritas on Jan 19, 2011 10:47:22 AM

Last night, the Manheim Township School Board had a meeting in which they started to discuss the 3.5 to 4.5 million dollar shortfall in the budget this year. Things are getting tense. As I read ... Read More

The Politics of Tragedy

Posted by veritas on Jan 14, 2011 1:53:29 PM

The tragic murders in Arizona during the attempted assassination attempt on the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords by a deranged man have resounded through our nation for the last week. They ... Read More

The State of Education: Gov. Chris Christie

Posted by veritas on Dec 3, 2010 1:56:16 PM

Here is a interesting video from the recent EAG Conference on education. It is a video of Governor Christie from New Jersey. I think that a sea change is occurring in the public view of the public ... Read More

Rhetoric and Manliness

Posted by veritas on Nov 30, 2010 8:49:23 AM

Mr. Reese sent me this link on rhetoric and masculinity. It is pointed toward the guys, but some of the reasons for learning rhetoric are applicable to girls as well.

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Drug Use Down….Maybe?!!?

Posted by veritas on Nov 2, 2010 9:06:05 AM

You might have seen the encouraging headline in the paper a few days ago: “Drug Use Down at Manheim Township”. Here is a link to the entire story and to the graph behind it:

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Boys Will Be Boys, but Will They Be Men?

Posted by veritas on Oct 8, 2010 4:04:03 PM

One of my teachers forwarded this interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. Here it is:

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Dancing, Culture, and the Absence of Jesus

Posted by veritas on Oct 7, 2010 1:56:46 PM

Remember, dancing can be good!

Today the paper smacked me as it too often does with another sign that our culture is headed in the wrong direction. The front page story in the Lancaster ... Read More

The Most Bad News You Will Never Read

Posted by veritas on Sep 23, 2010 2:35:31 PM

This morning we learned that SAT scores in our fair county of Lancaster are down. Here is the story:

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A Subprime Culture!

Posted by veritas on Sep 20, 2010 2:28:34 PM

A faithful reader of the blog, sent me this article from Thomas Freidman. It brilliantly points out the “motivation deficit” in American students and the “sacrifice ... Read More