The Big Short; Part 2

Posted by veritas on Sep 16, 2010 12:55:43 PM

A thoughtful reader emailed me about Lewis’ The Big Short and asked, “so what is Veritas doing that might address this problem?”

Good question. Here I my answer:

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Abdication for Dummies: The Best Ways to Ruin a Classical Christian Education

Posted by veritas on Sep 9, 2010 9:13:41 AM

Recently, I was talking with a seasoned headmaster from another ACCS school. It was his second day of school—we had yet to start. He had to cut away from the conversation for a moment. When ... Read More

Helpful Correctives from the Old Testament, Part 1

Posted by veritas on Sep 2, 2010 10:19:02 AM

I have a pattern of reading through the Scriptures. Each day I read a chapter or so of the Old Testament in general, from the Old Testament Wisdom Literature (Psalms, Proverbs, etc.), and the New ... Read More

The Best and Worst Idea in Local Education

Posted by veritas on Aug 31, 2010 8:53:14 AM

This morning’s Intelligencer Journal has a very interesting story on new ideas being implemented by local school districts.

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The “Jesus” Problem, Part #5

Posted by veritas on Aug 30, 2010 5:44:57 PM

In past installments of the “Jesus” Problem, we have worked our way through some of the issues confronting education in general and Christian education specially. We have seen how ... Read More

The “Jesus” Problem, Part 4

Posted by veritas on Aug 27, 2010 5:36:19 PM

We have looked at how corporations, the political left, and the political right are reacting to Christ and how they are supporting (or refusing to support schools that have Christ in their ... Read More

The “Jesus” Problem, Part 3

Posted by veritas on Aug 26, 2010 9:01:42 AM

In The “Jesus” Problems, Part 1 and 2, we have seen that corporations—especially large ones—are now very willing to support any cause except one that names Jesus Christ. We ... Read More

News from Veritas Academy

Posted by veritas on Aug 3, 2010 11:43:19 AM

I am pleased to announce that Veritas Academy is offering adult classes in the evenings in the fall and spring. We are offering classes in Omnibus—our study of the Great Books of Western ... Read More

The Lost Tools of Learning

Posted by veritas on Jul 27, 2010 1:12:42 PM

I was reading through Dorothy Sayers’ excellent essay, “The Lost Tools of Learning”, in preparation for some teaching that I will be doing using it during this next year. If you ... Read More

The Roots of Classical Christian Education

Posted by veritas on Jul 20, 2010 11:37:27 AM

Here is an article that I read recently done by my pastor, Dr. Gregg Strawbridge, on an obscure but interesting Medieval teacher called Peter of Spain. He was an exceedingly important teacher ... Read More