Kylee Bowman

Recent Posts

Family Road Trip: 6 Things to Listen to That Foster Faith & Fun

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Jul 22, 2017 2:45:00 PM

Yesterday, on our way home from an epic errand-running extravaganza, my kids got into a fight because my son was "looking at" his sister.

Yep. "Looking." What a horrific offense.

As ... Read More

God & Country: 5 Ways to Exhibit Godly Patriotism on July 4

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Jul 4, 2017 11:40:06 AM

"God bless America, land that I love..."

"America, America, God shed his grace on thee..."

"There ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A.!"

As fireworks ... Read More

Fostering Lifelong Learning: How Engaging Experiences Teach The Best Lessons

Posted by Kylee Bowman on May 25, 2017 10:28:00 AM

Ahhhh, the waning days of the school year. Warmer temperatures, sunny days...and restless kids, right?

Everyone is itching to leap with abandon into summer, like a euphoric child barreling ... Read More

Veritas Families' Favorite Easter Traditions

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Apr 14, 2017 4:41:28 PM

As we prepare to celebrate the most joyous holiday for believers worldwide - Easter, and the resurrection of Christ - there are many ways that as families, we can honor this celebration with both ... Read More

Getting to the Heart of Class & Courtesy

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Apr 1, 2017 10:30:00 PM

How you look. How you sound. How you think.

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Household Chores for Young Children: Why, How, and When

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 21, 2017 8:59:16 PM

I once read a quote that stated "having young children is like constantly cleaning up after a party you didn't get to attend."

So true, right? Sometimes it seems that attempting to keep up ... Read More

Veritas Academy Families' Favorite Sledding Hills

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 14, 2017 5:02:03 PM

Ready to go out and brave the wind and snow? Kids itching to romp and play? We polled our families about their favorite sledding spots aound Lancaster County, and here is what they came back ... Read More

Veritas Academy's Shrove Tuesday: A Tradition of Fun

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Mar 2, 2017 6:49:36 PM

Veritas Academy is proud to be a tradition-affirming school.

Traditions like standing when an adult enters the room. Dressing in uniforms. Reading the tried-and-true classics.

... Read More

Gentility, Chivalry & Tea: Omnibus Class Employs Timeless Traditions to Bring Literature to Life

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Dec 29, 2016 7:40:00 PM

There is a certain air of discipline and respect cultivated in the halls and classrooms of Veritas Academy. Some may call it antiquated. Many see it as appreciated.

Students rise when the ... Read More

Christmas Gift Ideas for Middle & Secondary Students

Posted by Kylee Bowman on Dec 16, 2016 12:25:00 PM

Continuing our traditional Christmas gift suggestions provided by the faculty at Veritas Academy, here are some ideas from a few of our teachers on educational and enriching presents for your ... Read More