7 Ideas for Helping Instill Good Manners In Our Kids

Posted by Kathy McClure on Feb 9, 2017 6:15:01 PM

In anticipation of our upcoming "Whatever Happened to Manners" event at the end of this month, Veritas mom and local blogger Kathy McClure is here to offer up some quick and practical tips for how parents can help cultivate good manners in our kids:

1. Model good manners.

Let them hear you using polite phrases such as "please", "thank you", "you're welcome" and "excuse me". They will naturally copy what they hear and want to be like you!

2. Treat your child with respect.

Acknowledge their presence and the questions they ask you. Make eye contact when you are talking with them.

3. Open doors.

Encourage them to open doors for others as soon as they are strong enough. My kids always thrive the more responsibility I can give them. As soon as they are strong enough to hold a door open, ask the to do it for you and for their siblings. This might mean that if you are in a hurry, you'll need to slow down so they can hold it for other people coming in and out of the library too!

4. Start young.Teach kids when they're young to make good manners a habit.

Even before a child can talk, they observe and copy body language and movements. Consider teaching toddlers to sign "please" and "thank you", before they can talk.

5. Give them literary role models.

Read stores of heroes, biographies and books that talk about manners. Watch videos that teach kids manners too. We recently watched an old episode of Berenstain Bears on manners, and for the next few days my kids were reminding everyone around them to "use the three special words".

6. Polite "interruption."

Train your children to touch your arm if they want to talk to you while you are still talking to someone else. This teaches them to wait and not interrupt.

7. Expect manners.

I'll never forget when my son's Kindergarten teacher told us parents a story about how her husband helped their children to learn manners by making the most of just one opportunity when they were little. They had each received a piece of candy at the barber shop for waiting patiently. None of them said thank you, so he had them all give the candy back and then they left the shop. The kids never forgot again to say thank you!


If you want more ideas on helping your children emulate etiquette and consideration, don't forget to RSVP for our event on February 28, where former aide to Nancy Reagan and local author Sheryl Eberly will present an engaging discussion titled "Whatever Happened to Manners? Helping Our Children Thrive in a Rude World." Space is limited and spots are filling quickly, so be sure to contact Jill Trimbath today to register at jtrimbath@veritasacademy.com. Or, if you can't make it on the 28th, tune in to our webcast on Wednesday, February 15 to hear some valuable insights from Veritas staff and teachers.

A Veritas Academy parent, Kathy  McClure is a wife to Steve, and a mom of three young children. She has been challenged as a young mom to consider biblical motherhood, and her passion is to share the joys of motherhood with moms and to help them be intentional and purposeful in their parenting. She has co-authored a great parenting book titled  There's an Easier Way: 21 Ways to Lovingly Raise Your Children Without Regrets. In her spare time she likes to write about ways to save money and do fun things in Lancaster County, on her blog, Frugal Lancaster.

Whatever Happened to Manners?

Topics: parenting, manners