Classical Christian Education really works. Here's how we know.

When the ACCS released the findings of their groundbreaking research comparing Classical Christian Education with other forms of schooling, we were so encouraged by and excited about the data, which proved that all the things we've been promising and saying are true! The lives of Classical Christian school alumni show the fruit of this unique and time-tested model of education. You can explore each facet by reading our blog series below.


For reference on how the data was collected, calculated, and presented, we recommend you visit our Guide to the Good Soil Data page here.


To view the Good Soil Report in its entirety, click here to visit The Classical Difference.

86793529_2879797135375402_5925821418297098240_oGood Soil: Data Proves That Classical Christian Education Works

Parents considering school options want to know whether their investment will pay off in their child's life & future. The Good Soil report proves it does.

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Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.29.19 PMCollege & Career Preparedness: How Do Classical Alumni Measure Up?

Data from this comprehensive survey of young adults shows Classical Christian school graduates are more prepared to succeed in college than their other peers.

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Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.29.08 PMToo Good to Be True? Data on Classical Christian School Speaks Volumes

Looking at charts comparing Classical Christian Education to other school types, one may be tempted to doubt its veracity. See how the data is measured.

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Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 9.29.28 PMA Force for Change: Classical Christian Grads Become Influencers

The Good Soil report shows Classical Christian graduates are influencers committed to volunteering, speaking out against injustice, & helping the needy.

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How Classical Christian Graduates Live Out Faith in Christ For Life

Want your child to have a faith in Christ that's living and real as they grow into adulthood? A Classical Christian education is a good way to build that..

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Scripture & Science: Teaching Kids To Love & Learn Both Well

Good theology and real science don't have to be mutually exclusive. Find out how Classical schools show kids how to appreciate God through science.

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Life Abundant: Good Soil Produces Graduates With Gratitude, Grit & Goals

As parents, we want our children to thrive as adults, in a life characterized by meaningful relationships, clear purpose, and deep thankfulness.

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Screen Shot 2020-07-07 at 3.48.36 PMStranger Things: The Unexpected Results of Classical Christian Education

Research on graduates of Classical Christian schools and other types of schools reveal encouraging trends in these young adults' priorities and lifestyles.

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high-school-girls-chemistryHappiness Now or Later? Classical Christian Schools Offer Both!

With a Classical Christian School, you don't have to choose between happiness for your child in school or happiness later in life. Joy abounds in both!

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student-reading-scriptureA Concluding Hope for Our Kids: To Love Christ & Be Prepared for Life

The data on alumni of Classical Christian Schools show that not only do they hold a lifelong faith in Christ, but they're exceptionally prepared for life.

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