Everything you need for First Grade at Veritas!

Use the online checklist or printable supply list below for your school supply shopping! See the notes at the bottom of the page for more information.

Click Here for PDF Printable 2023-2024 First Grade Supply List

First Grade Supply Checklist

Additional Notes

  • You are welcome to recycle any items you already have from previous years to keep expenses down!
  • Please label items with your child's name

  • Personal pencil sharpeners are discouraged.
  • First graders do not need to bring their own Bibles.
  • The 1-inch binder will be used daily for transporting materials between school and home.
  • The 2-inch binders will be used to store completed work throughout the year and will be sent home at the end of the year.

1" Binder Labels:

  • Math, Reading, Hymns, Poems, Other

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