Student Health

Information From the School Nurse's Office 

School Nurse: Sarah Brooks, RN, BSN

When should you keep your child home from school? How do you report an absence? What resources do we have to help students with mental health? Find all these answers and more on this page, meant to help the connect our school community to the nurse's office. 

Report Student Absence

Click the headers below for more information on student health services and policies.

So, your student wakes up in the morning not feeling so hot. How do you decide if they need to take a sick day? Here's what you need to know.

Sick Child Policy

If your child becomes ill or injured at school, you will be contacted and will be expected to make arrangements for transportation home or to a medical facility.  In the event that you cannot be reached, the school may call an ambulance at your expense.  Also, in the event of an emergency, the school nurse may call an ambulance before notifying parents/guardians if the nurse feels this action is appropriate.  

Do not send your child to school if they are ill. 

The school will not provide diagnostic services, nor will they allow your child to spend the day in the sick bay.  If your child stays home due to any illness, please make the school office/nurse aware of the reason for absence.  

Your child should not attend school if they have:

  • Had a fever greater than 99.5 in the last 24 hours
  • Tested positive for COVID-19
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea within the past 24 hours
  • Pink eye (conjunctivitis)
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Body rash accompanied by itching 
  • Head Lice

If students become ill or injured during the school day, they must report to the nurse or delegate for evaluation.  Students are not permitted to call home from cell phones for parents to pick them up. 

If your student or anyone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, please keep your student home for the duration of the CDC quarantine guidelines. 

Presently, the guidelines are as follows for persons who test positive for COVID-19:

  • Student should isolate at home for five (5) days after the positive test (or the onset of symptoms) and have no current symptoms / improved symptoms.
  • Student is encouraged—though not required—to wear a well-fitting mask for an additional five (5) days upon returning to school or participating in any school activity except when outside or participating in strenuous activity.   

If a student has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, it is recommended - though not required - that the student wear a mask to school for up to 10 days after this exposure.

All new students and all students entering 6th and 11th grades must submit physicals and updated immunization records using the form below:

All new students and incoming 3rd and 7th graders must submit an updated dental form (below):

If your family has declined vaccines because of a religious or medical exemption, please submit the form below:

If your child will need to keep medication at school to be taken during school hours, please submit this form:

Yearly Screenings

Our school nurse conducts general health screenings (height, weight, vision exam) of all students every year. Scoliosis screening will occur in 6th and 7th grades. Hearing screening will occur in grades K-3, 7th and 11th.  

The nurse will email your family to notify you when these screenings will occur. 

A letter containing the results of the screenings as well as any recommendations for follow up with a medical provider, will be sent home with the student either that day or the following day.  

If you would prefer that your student not participate in these screenings, or you have questions or concerns, please contact

Parents/guardians have the primary responsibility for the health of their children.  If possible, routine medication should be taken at home.  In the event that a medication needs to be administered during the school day, the parent/guardian must provide the following:

  • For students requiring daily prescription medications:
    • Written instructions/prescription from a healthcare provider
    • Written permission form the parent/guardian by submitting this form:
  • For students requiring temporary over-the-counter medications:
    • Written permission from the parent/guardian
    • Written standing orders from our school physician

All medications must be in their original, labeled container and delivered directly to the school nurse or delegate upon arrival to the building.



Students may self-carry emergency inhalers with written permission from the healthcare provider and parent/guardian.  Students using inhalers during the school day must report to the nurse’s office for evaluation immediately following use.

Epinephrine Auto-Injectors

Students may self-carry life-saving medications with written permission from the healthcare provider and parent/guardian.

Please notify the school nurse of any medication changes throughout the year

Rachel Kiehl is our school counselor, and she is available to meet with students and parents as needed to address mental and emotional health concerns.

Email Mrs. Kiehl

Graham Dennis, our Dean of Students, supports student spiritual health and will work closely with Mrs. Kiehl, teachers, students, and parents to help your student grow in Christ.

Email Mr. Dennis

Additional resources will be available on this page soon.

When to contact the school nurse

Please be sure to inform the school nurse:

  • If your child tests positive for a contagious illness
  • If your child will be absent due to illness or injury
  • If your child requires a medication to be taken during school hours

Questions? Contact our school nurse, Sarah Brooks, at