huzzahPhilosophy: Joyful Learning

In the Lower School, we carefully and intentionally cultivate the genuine and lifelong love of learning through classic children’s literature, vibrant and interactive history studies, engaging math, science, and language exercises, and the life-enriching classes of art and music. Students build strong fundamentals in the basics of the core disciplines (this is the “grammar” of the disciplines), but blended with relevant life skill principles such as relationship building and social problem solving...with God's Word interwoven through every fiber. We do all of this in a nurturing, Christian community of teacher and learners.

Click Here to Explore Grammar School K-6th Grade
Grammar | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian SchoolCurriculum: Building Blocks of Learning

A day in the life of a Veritas Grammar school student consists of classwork in the following general subjects:

  • Phonics and Reading
  • Spelling
  • English Grammar
  • Math
  • History and Bible
  • Literature
  • Writing
  • Fine Arts
  • Latin
  • Science
  • Physical Education

You can get a deeper look at what this curriculum looks like in each class and overall by clicking the button below to visit our Explore Grammar School section!

Explore Grammar School: Click Here to Learn More About Grades K-6!

Click here to view our grammar school scope and sequence (a more detailed chart of each class's curriculum).

Activities and Events

We have a lot of fun at Veritas Academy.  Each day, our classrooms are filled with music, art, interactive study, and more to help foster a joyful learning environment. In Grammar School there are many events that help our students love learning. Here are a few highlights:

Grammar Events | Veritas Academy | Classical Christian SchoolDiplomats (First Grade): Students take field trips to noteworthy places in our state's history, including the beautiful state capitol building where they meet elected officials, Brandywine Museum, and Philadelphia

Egyptian Extravaganza (Second Grade): Egyptian Feast where where students dress as Pharaohs and Princesses and enjoy Egyptian foods, plus a visit to Penn Museum's Egypt exhibit.

Zeus’ Family Reunion (Third Grade): Students put on the play “Zeus’s Family Reunion” and learn about the antics of the ancient gods (and develop an even deeper appreciation for the one true God) and host the Greek Olympics.

Barbarian Invasion (Fourth Grade): Students take on the role of “Barbarians” armed with water balloons and attempt to take a fort from the “Roman” defenders

Swiss Family Robinson (Fifth Grade): Swiss Family Robinson Cookout and trips to Washington, D.C., Philly, and Baltimore.

Southwest Fest (Sixth Grade)Students celebrate the culture of the American southwest as they learn about The Alamo, The War with Mexico, and Cowboys.

Screen Shot 2019-10-22 at 11.24.11 PM-1If Memory Serves

One thing you will notice about Veritas Grammar School (as with all Classical Christian Schools) is involves a lot of memorization. And we're not talking boring, dry memory work. This type of learning involves singing, dancing, clapping, shouting, whispering...and lots of smiles! It goes along with the philosophy that younger kids are built like sponges. They love soaking up new facts, and they're good at it! We capitalize on that by feeding their excitement for facts and doing it in a way that is fun and sticks for years to come. By the time they graduate 6th grade, Veritas students will be able to name every country on a blank world map and nearly every major Western World event and date from creation through modern American history, among other eye-popping feats.

Read more about Veritas Grammar School memory work here.

Ready to enroll your child at Veritas?