Who is Paying What

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:14:42 AM

This is a really interesting article concerning tax paying put out by National Public Radio. This is a lot of fairness arguing going on right now, and it runs something like this: "The rich do not pay their fair share of taxes!" This visual document points to a different conclusion:

NPR Shows Rich Do Pay Taxes!!!

Now, I am concerned about the widening income disparity between rich and poor in this country. I do not think that democracy can survive bad education or tremendous economic disparity. We have both at work now. I am concerned, however, that make the government the mediator of funneling money from the rich to the poor is sort of like putting the foxes union in charge of overseeing egg production. (Btw, I am pretty sure that tithing would solve all economic problems.)


Topics: President Obama, taxes, Culture, Democracy, Economy, Politics