St. Francis (Turretin): Is theology practical or theoretical?

Posted by veritas on Apr 13, 2013 10:28:29 AM

As I wade into Turretin, I am impressed by two things. I always thought that Turretin was in the main systematizing the Reformed Faith (and he certainly is!). I am surprised, however, that the ... Read More

St. Francis (Turretin)

Posted by veritas on Apr 7, 2013 7:55:14 AM

Here is a little part of Turretin's Topic 1, Questions 5, Part X on What is the object of theology that made an impact on me this morning:

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St. Francis (Turretin)

Posted by veritas on Apr 6, 2013 5:02:23 PM

Reading in Turretin today on Natural Theology (i.e., what God makes clear to us just by the view that he gives us of nature...and how responsible this viewing makes us).

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Medieval or Classical?

Posted by veritas on Apr 6, 2013 10:15:42 AM

Recently, I received a question from Sarah Bryan, a college student at Grove City who did an internship for Veritas last year asking:

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Drugs and Despair

Posted by veritas on Apr 3, 2013 5:27:57 PM

I recently ran into two items concerning drug use. (As an aside, I am a conservative with fairly libertarian tendencies concerning things like drug laws. This means that I worry that our societal ... Read More

St. Francis (no not that one)

Posted by veritas on Mar 30, 2013 9:41:56 AM

I had two fairly hefty reading goals this year. I wanted to read through Shelby Foote's 3 volume history of the Civil War. I am about two-thirds of the way through and I can say now with a high ... Read More

Of Men and Men at Princeton

Posted by veritas on Dec 12, 2012 4:44:38 PM

Recently, the Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia was taking questions from a group of students at Princeton. Some of the students had read Scalia's writing (which would typically be a good ... Read More

Left Behind (The Child's Version)

Posted by veritas on Dec 11, 2012 9:46:05 AM

Today, the state of Pennsylvania schools are applying for relief from the No Child Left Behind (NCLB). Here is the article:

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What the Ends Mean

Posted by veritas on Dec 7, 2012 2:36:27 PM

So, if you were wondering about the election and its meaning, a story in the paper might have been a smack in the face. Here comes Obamacare:

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The Road of Serfdom (or Route 283)

Posted by veritas on Nov 28, 2012 8:42:46 AM

Some of you might be keeping track of the economic trouble in Harrisburg, PA. It is something like a Shakespearean tragedy. The city is more than $300 million in debt. Why? Because of an ... Read More