Dancing, Culture, and the Absence of Jesus

Posted by veritas on Oct 7, 2010 1:56:46 PM

Remember, dancing can be good!

Today the paper smacked me as it too often does with another sign that our culture is headed in the wrong direction. The front page story in the Lancaster ... Read More

One of the Most Amazing People

Posted by veritas on Oct 5, 2010 2:55:52 PM

One of my alums at Veritas Academy sent me this link to an interview of Rene Girard by the Hoover Institute.

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Our Fair County: Headed to the Solanco Fair

Posted by veritas on Sep 21, 2010 9:35:02 AM

I am headed out to the Solanco Fair tonight. I wanted to share with you an article I wrote for an obscure Journal for Christian men. It is my homage to the Fair and life in the County. It was ... Read More

A Subprime Culture!

Posted by veritas on Sep 20, 2010 2:28:34 PM

A faithful reader of the blog, sent me this article from Thomas Freidman. It brilliantly points out the “motivation deficit” in American students and the “sacrifice ... Read More

Helpful Correctives from the Old Testament, Part 2

Posted by veritas on Sep 3, 2010 7:06:07 PM

Here is another great lesson from Judges. This one from chapter 6 (the Call of Gideon). Here is the context. Israel, again, has forsaken God and He has given them over to the oppressor—this ... Read More

The “Jesus” Problem, Part 2

Posted by veritas on Aug 18, 2010 12:40:49 PM

In the first part of this blog post—See The “Jesus” Problem, Part 1—I chronicled how “Jesus” ends up being a stumbling block for the business community. They ... Read More

The “Jesus” Problem, Part 1

Posted by veritas on Aug 17, 2010 11:51:04 AM

Recently, I have hit upon a frightening truth. Jesus is getting in the way at Veritas Academy. No, we are not looking to kick Him out. In fact, we would like more of Him, but still He is in the ... Read More

Working with Our Hands

Posted by veritas on Jul 29, 2010 3:24:23 PM

A while back Ben Long, a Veritas Alum and submarine officer, recently sent me this New York Times article concerning the value of working with our hands by Matthew Crawford. It is a really fine ... Read More

Avatar, Christian Failures, and the Infantile Modern Left

Posted by veritas on Jul 7, 2010 9:30:05 AM

Emily and I watched Avatar last night. We both enjoyed it. This morning, however, my dissection of the movie began and my disappointment is increasing. Most—at least if I take into account ... Read More

In Search of a Classical Christian Education

Posted by veritas on Jun 15, 2010 11:01:07 AM

I have fallen in love with Florence. At first it was a tentative love on my part—they wronged Dante and they act now like he is their favorite son. LIARS! They also have not done a lot of ... Read More