The Speed of Cultural Change

Posted by Ty Fischer on Oct 1, 2012 11:11:41 AM

You might have missed this because of amount of information whipping by, but California just made it illegal to counsel a homosexual minor in a way that encourages them that they can change. Here is the story from the paper:

Californian Bans Gay Teen Conversion Therapy

I do not know enough about the facts of the law to say too much, but it is telling that in the last 30 years we have gone, as a culture, from almost complete uniformity that would encourage this sort of change to a culture that now calls this sort of counsel harmful and damaging. The change is accelerating at a phenomenal rate.

Here are some other concerns: What if you are a teen in California and you want to try to "convert"? Do you have the choice?Also, if sexual choices are not changeable then how can we condemn so many other choices and punish them with jail time?

Note also that when "tolerance" has gone to seed it begins to look a lot like its opposite!



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