Gil Smart's Column 3/4/12

Posted by veritas on Mar 6, 2012 11:01:14 AM

I do not know if you saw the first page of the opinion section of the Sunday Paper, but Veritas Academy was featured in Gil Smart’s column. He wrote about his recent interaction with our juniors and seniors. Here is the story:

Ideas Rather than Invective

He plans to feature the work of our students next week. I was very thankful for his kind words concerning our school and his willingness to help us reach our objectives. I did want to reiterate a few things about the interaction that he did not mention:

  1. While I am thankful for his kind words, the reason for the interaction was not to get in the papers (I am thankful for this). We set up this discussion because our students are going to face this issue when they go off to college—or in whatever they do in our culture. As believers, we must learn to stand for truth faithfully and effectively in a culture that is staggering from pillar to post. As believers, we need to speak truth to our culture in love.
  2. Mr. Smart seems impressed at points because our students are not using the Bible—but are instead using reason. While this is true, we are doing so for a particular reason: we are testing the internal logic of his arguments. We could easily answer him biblical, but we are trying to prove that some points of his arguments are inconsistent or unpersuasive. He argues that commitments are good for society and that homosexual commitments and heterosexual commitments are both a societal good (in the same way). Quick glances at the statistics point toward the opposite. Our students point this out in their papers.

I am looking forward to next week’s column. Please pray that God would bless this interaction to the ends that our students would be better prepared to speak truth to our culture, that our students would be prepared to love those trapped by sin, offering them the hope of the gospel—Christ being the only remedy for and Savior from ever sin, and that this interaction would help our community to think more clearly on these issues.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at

Topics: Education, Faith, Local News, Marriage