Veritas Academy Alumni Update: Stephen Jakubowicz

Posted by veritas on Feb 17, 2014 3:56:22 PM

Jakubowicz Photo Cropped

Stephen Jakubowicz graduated from Veritas Academy three years ago. He is in his junior year at Penn State. Recently, Stephen was chosen to be one of the dancers at THON. The spots as dancers in the 46-hour marathon are highly prized, so it seemed like a good time to check in with Stephen when we heard he had been chosen. The Picture above was taken a few months ago; THON starts this Friday (February 19th).


Here is a brief interview with Stephen:

  • What is THON?

THON is the largest, student run, philanthropy in human history. Over 15 thousand student volunteers work together at Penn State each year to raise money for THON. This money, 100% of it, goes to the Four Diamond Fund. This Fund meets the needs of families who are fighting pediatric cancer whose insurance has been exhausted. Last year, THON raised over $12 million dollars (since 1977 it has raised over $100 million).

  • How did you get involved in THON?

I started as a freshman. Liz Dawson and Will Dawson (children of Veritas Academy’s Bill and Lynn Dawson) got me involved. I served on the Morale Committee as a freshman. Morale Committee Members are assigned a dancer—to keep them motivated and safe during THON. We keep them safe and keep their minds’ busy. I also served on Morale during my sophomore year.

  • What are the rules for THON?

Dancers have to stay inside Bryce Jordan Center the whole time. You can’t sit down, and can’t sleep. The dancing is pretty active, but 46 hours is a long time!

  • How did you get chosen?

I was chosen as part of an independent lottery, but you have to raise funds for THON to be eligible for the lottery. (Stephen is involved in leadership posts in a number of PSU organizations. These organizations raise money and get to appoint a certain number of dancers, but Stephen chose to try to get in through the lottery this year.) Your have to raise $2800 to get a ticket in the lottery. (Stephen and a friend, Scott, raised over $4000 dollars this year, got a number of tickets in the lottery, and were chosen to dance at THON.)

  • Are you training?

Yes, but mainly by eating right, stretching, and getting the right amount of sleep. You want to be in tiptop physical condition. I have had to cut out caffeine, so no coffee (until after THON). At first, it made me drowsy in the morning. You need to be really stretched out to avoid cramping. This is one of the biggest physical problems during THON.

  • Why did you want to be a THON dancer (it seems pretty challenging)? Would you like to do it again next year?

It is a once in a lifetime experience. I had already done some of the other stuff like Morale. I wanted to see all of it come together, if we got our ticket in the lottery. Some raise a lot of money, but don’t get in. I won’t be dancing next year. It is so hard to get chosen. I want others to get their chance.

  • How can we help?

Some of the Veritas students already sent an encouraging note and some THONvelopes. The toughest time is late Saturday night early Sunday morning. They read mail to the Dancers then to encourage them and keep them going. The power lifting team comes down to give the dancers piggyback rides for a short break. You can watch THON live to be encouraging as well. Of course, donations are always appreciated (Donate to THON!) Also if people do want to donate to my total, they can chooses to credit their donation to "Stephen Jakubowicz and Scott Tomensky" Org#339.

  • Are there aspects of your education at Veritas that have helped you in the many roles you fill at Penn State?

Yes. Rhetoric, writing, and dramatic performance skills have been most helpful. I have had to do a lot of presentations for classes and for organizations here.