A Good Educational Idea (in Public School!) and Invisible “Other Shoe”

Posted by veritas on Jan 5, 2012 9:06:06 AM

There have been a couple of articles recently about a really good idea that is being pursued by three local school districts in Lancaster County. They are making their campuses more open by ... Read More

A New Dawn?

Posted by veritas on Jan 3, 2012 12:32:34 PM

Here is a great article on educational reform by Charles L. Glenn published in this month’s issue of First Things:

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Neat Post!

Posted by veritas on Dec 21, 2011 8:33:05 AM

Here is a post on the importance of failure in education. I really enjoyed it and thought that you might too:

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The End of an Era?

Posted by veritas on Dec 20, 2011 9:10:43 AM

Recently, I finished the last few files for Omnibus VI. Omnibus is a six year pattern of working through the great books. It is extensive (but not comprehensive—after you are done there are ... Read More

Macbeth for 4th Graders?

Posted by veritas on Nov 30, 2011 2:34:44 PM

Some recent questions arose concerning our 4th grade play. Typically, we have done Macbeth (a substantial, but revised, version for kids). Sometimes parents have some concerns with the ... Read More

What is Missing?

Posted by veritas on Nov 28, 2011 4:40:41 PM

Brian Wallace’s story in the paper today is a demonstration of the great problem of having the government involved in education. Here is the story:

Brain Wallace's article

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Christianity and Writing

Posted by veritas on Nov 17, 2011 12:07:13 PM

Here is a neat video from Douglas Wilson concerning why Christians should write and what they should write about:

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Rush Limbaugh on Classical Studies

Posted by veritas on Nov 3, 2011 2:18:37 PM

Every once in a while someone asks me if I listen to Rush. I do not. I am at work while he is on. I did, in an earlier life, listen to him as I traveled to work while studying at seminary. I ... Read More

Seeing the Future

Posted by veritas on Nov 2, 2011 1:20:46 PM

Each day I encounter (sometimes it feels as if I am assaulted by) information that could cast doubt on God’s goodness or on hope for the future. Each day I try to beat back the fear and look ... Read More

Is Halloween Over Yet?

Posted by veritas on Nov 1, 2011 11:14:59 AM

Here is a story from Miami that a friend sent to me recently. They have stopped giving students Midterms and Finals, so that the students won’t be stressed out by them:

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