The future of the classics

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 21, 2012 9:24:38 AM

Here is an interesting article by Peter Levine wondering what the future of the study of the classics will look like. I agree with most of what he has said. I am worried that so little of what has ... Read More

St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 18, 2012 7:05:06 AM

I love Wendell Berry. Here is a great quotation from the The Long-Legged House demonstrating why all of us should love his work. He looks at the world and sees the instruction that it is ... Read More

Thoughtful Quotation

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 18, 2012 6:40:54 AM

Here is a thoughtful sentence on the aim of a classical Christian education by David Hicks. I would change only a few words in it (if you have yet to read his Norms and Nobility you ... Read More

Problems and Solutions

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:35:51 AM

I have been doing some thinking about why the broader community should support the work of Veritas Academy. I am still working on this, but here is my present best answer (I would love to hear ... Read More

Life is The Comedy

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:31:52 AM

As Dante moves toward God in Paradise, incredible things happen. I have always felt (and still feel) least at home in these later cantos of Paradise. As people move toward God, they become more ... Read More

School Choice Gaining Ground

Posted by Ty Fischer on Apr 14, 2012 10:25:17 AM

Now, those reading the blog know that I am of two minds concerning school choice. I am afraid that government involvement with the private and religious schools will corrupt us and end our ... Read More

A Book Recommendation

Posted by veritas on Apr 12, 2012 9:38:08 AM

Look at this video of a new book on college by Derek Melleby. It looks good:

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Education and Money

Posted by veritas on Apr 11, 2012 12:25:48 PM

Here is a link to a recent editorial written BY the Lancaster papers (it is important that it was written by the editorial staff because it shows a changing opinion inside the paper). It points ... Read More

Politics and The Comedy

Posted by veritas on Apr 11, 2012 12:23:29 PM

I have written very little about the present political campaign because of depression. I really do not like how things are going and I do not see any short term hope (wish I did). I was reminded ... Read More

Christian Education and Moral Skills, Part 3

Posted by veritas on Apr 10, 2012 8:36:03 AM

This is an ongoing discussion on Business and Education sponsored by the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce. (If you want to join the group, let me know.) Here is my most recent post:

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