Pick a team

Posted by Ty Fischer on Jul 7, 2012 2:10:46 PM

An AP story today announced that Republican teachers in the NEA are feeling a little left out. (Could this be news?) Here is the story that I saw in the Lancaster papers:

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Posted by Ty Fischer on Jun 20, 2012 1:14:26 PM

You might have noticed that my posts have been few are far between since school ended. I was taking some time resting, thinking, recharging, and renewing.

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The Necessity of a Classical Education for the Survival of Democray

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 21, 2012 9:45:46 AM

Her is an interesting article by Robert Duffett on the importance of a classical (or liberal arts education). Democracy hangs in the balance as we, as a culture, make or fail to make this type of ... Read More

St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 18, 2012 10:18:05 AM

Today, is a great day for this quote:

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Time Article on Kids and Summer Work

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 17, 2012 2:52:44 PM

Here is an interesting article from Time Magazine (even an blind squirrel, etc.,) on Kids and Summer Jobs. Having profited greatly spiritually through hard work in the summer, I was intrigued by ... Read More


Posted by Ty Fischer on May 15, 2012 12:39:40 AM

Kudos to our friends from Logos in Moscow, Idaho, on their umteenth state title and fifth place finish at nationals. FYI, Moscow has a population almost equivalent to Ephrata Township and ... Read More

Fun Stuff

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 15, 2012 12:31:50 AM

Here is a fun video about Diogenes of Sinope (or Diogenes the Cynic as he is more famously known). It is not professionally done...and Diogenes would have wanted it that way. Enjoy.

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College Craziness

Posted by veritas on May 14, 2012 5:06:31 PM

Here is an article on the coming bubble that is preparing to burst. We might have survived the housing bubble, but will we survive the “college bubble.” Here are the facts:

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Interview with Gene Veith

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 12, 2012 8:31:06 AM

Here is an interview with Gene Veith concerning classical Christian education and particularly the education being offered at Patrick Henry College. Parents should strongly consider PHC for the ... Read More

St. Wendell

Posted by Ty Fischer on May 5, 2012 10:06:21 PM

Here is a response worth reading on the earlier angry responses from First Things. This says some of what I am going to say but not all.

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